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T O-MORROW is the first day of a New Year, and one which finds two large and important sections of road transport awaiting...
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A LTHOUGH there seems to be little doubt that the Road Transport Executive would have preferred to have left in abeyance the...
Why the Use of qomE light metals have Light Metals is ApS OME four times the preciated volume as the same weight of steel, but...
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Of meteoric road making with Cornets in Gloucestershire That landing space for helicopters will be provided in the bus station...
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12,791 NEW C-LICENCE VEHICLES THE total number of C-licence vehicles rose to 593,869 at the end of November, an increase of...
Acquired 23 Undertakings During November A LEEDS concern of body-repair in• and maintenance specialists and two storage...
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THE statement made by Major ' HE G. N. Russell, chairman of the Road Transport Executive, at Newcastle last week, that rumours...
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at Pars MR. H. J. PENN, a director of Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., has been appointed general manager of the Murex group of...
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ling the Tune T HE attitude of the London Transport Executive towards its undertaking is regarded by the London Chamber of...
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by Area Boards. Local Authorities Oppose Nationalization. Sub-committee Formed to Draft Proposals. Cumberland Excluded from...
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A SCOTTISH firm of ice-cream r't manufacturers have just put into service a vehicle which is claimed 40 be the first of its...
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says Aerowata Progressive -North-Western Mineral-water Manufacturer and Bottler Celebrated End of Control with Purchase of New...
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Localized Pooling of Transport Under Nationalization will Bring Bigger - Maintenance Depots. This Article Outlines the...
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on the Modern Trolleybus B RAKE wear on motorbuses and trolleybuses presents no easy problem to thoseresponsible for...
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O VERHEAD contact cables of aluminium and steel have been used experimentally for some years on certain trolleybus routes of...
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PREVIOUS to my arrival in Australia in July, 1947, I was a lorry driver with a haulage company in Dartford. Out here I am still...
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rAESIGNED specially to meet the L./ needs of the export market, allmetal bus bodies are, as announced in "The Commercial Motor"...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.LR.T.E A N answer to a driver's prayer for an ideal vehicle to handle is provided by the Daimler CVD 650...
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VOR a long time the company had been doing what people were now being recommended to do, said Mr. C. B. Nixon, chairman, at the...
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A Resume' of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE usual type of differential gear permits the drive to be completely...