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I T HAS been a source of great pleasure to us to have been able to inspect and to describe, as we do in this issue, the methods...
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Of Glasgow versus Edinburgh. Much of " the turn of the tide." Much which it is not permissible to publish. That more bus...
He had been to a Harley Street specialist, and an appointment had been made for a week later, " when said the dootor, " I...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by an difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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TN THE early part of November of last 1 year we published an article dealing with the adaptation of internal-combustion-engined...
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An Analysis of the Trend of Design. Pr ices and Production. A INIERICAN COMPETITION is the only competition with which...
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A Wide Range of Goods and Passenger Vehicle Exhibits at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Provide a Centre of Interest for Northern Agents...
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For Loads of from 30-40 Cwt. or 14-25 Passengers. Four Speeds Forward ; Overhead Worm Drive and Pneumatic or Solid Tyres to...
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O PPOSMON to railway companies' projected transport schemes is increasing in Midland as in other large industrial centres. The...
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; 15 BUSES PER DAY. A Description of an Organization wl Four Days for Co .gely Served to Reduce the Time to erhatdiug a Bus....
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A Report of the Commercial Vehicle Exhibits, Continued from Page 821. Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.' Stand No. 154....
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Introducing a New Operating Cost Sheet Made Out to Cover a Week's Working. I N WORKING out the system of accounting of which...
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A Type of Body and Dustbin which Prevents Dust and Smells Contaminating the Air when a Vehicle is being Loaded. m on...
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What Has Been Done in America. The Suitability of the F.W.D. Vehicle. Ousting the Steam Locomotive in Tunnel Repair and...
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Commercial Vehicle Agents Must Keep Up to Date in Their Knowledge of Body Design Progress. By "Vim." T HE MORE I have to do...
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The Latest Doings' and Developments in the BUS and Coach World. 1922 Coach Rates. Factors that Have to be Borne in Mind. C...
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Q UIET but steady progress is being made in that branch of our industry which is concerned with the production and sale of...
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An Electric Truck which Lifts its Load into Position. Continuous Chain Power-driven Bucket Loaders. Steam Navvies on Chain...
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In view of the nerd for the erection of kerbside petrol pumps, and the advice which was recently given to the Nottingham City...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). W HY do filaments burn out? For two reasons, of which the first does...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability_ and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
The packing of the Leyland water pump is a job which does not seem properly to he understood by the average owner, although it...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. An Axle Tube Repair. The sender of the following communication has been awarded...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. The general arrangement and certain of the details of the Fowler...