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C HICKENS hatched during the denationalization of road haulage are coming home to roost. The report, published last week, of...
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T HE refusal of Mr. lain Macleod, Minister of Labour, to accept the recommendation of his Chief Industrial Commissioner, Sir...
Salesman Training by Films E NERGETIC salesmanship is certainly a vitally important part of the road transport industry,...
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That most Britons will never believe that snow is coming until it arrives. That preparations to deal with it are usually made...
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T HE application by the unions for an increase in wages, higher subsistence allowance, a shorter recognized holiday period (May...
THE suggestion by Mr. lain Macleod, Minister of Labour, that there I might be a general inquiry into bus workers' wages; has...
I -1 A LARGE increase in wages has been included in estimates for 1958-59 drawn up by the Hull Transport Committee. They...
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THE national growth C•f C licences held a great potential danger to the A haulage industry, Mr. J. R. Lindsay, North Western...
TERMS approved by an emergency I committee of the National Joint Industrial Council for the municipal passenger transport...
D ESPITE a contention by a buildingcontractor witness that sand and stone, although used for road work, were classed as...
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A SUBSTANTIAL error was made by the Eastern Licensing Authority when he estimated how to relieve pressure on the overworked...
MR. S. D. H. POLLEN has been appointed a director of the Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd. MR. R. A. DYSON, formerly deputy chairman of...
from the Licensing Authority, must be prepared to take the consequences. This was pointed out last week by Mr. J. R. Lindsay,...
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A SLIDING scale of road fares for 1 - 1 British tours with gradings for low, high and mid-season, was sought by James Smith and...
rONTINUING the recovery in export trade which occurred in the late autumn of last year, overseas deliveries of commercial...
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A PPEALING to the Transport Tribunal in London, on Tuesday. r. Hesketh, Ltd., Widnes, claimed that they 4/ad been compelled to...
A MOTION by the Goodyear Tyre and rA Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton, for an interlocutory injunction...
A PPLYING for a new B licence to r - t cover a tanker, Yorkshire Transporters, Ltd., Batley, last week changed the conditions...
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S EVERAL fleets of lorries are working day and night to complete London's longest water tunnel. It will cost £4m. and •carry...
Very Reasonable , ' WHEN Bradford Corporation were VV granted increases at Leeds, on Monday, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, chairman of...
A LTHOUGH he denied the allegations rA against him, Frank Hutchinson, driver, of Grasby Road. Hull, was fined £5 at Hull last...
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B Y refusing to licence Silver Star Motor Services. Porton, for troop services between Larkhill. Wilts, and Glasgow. the...
B ECAUSE of increased costs and a drop in revenue, Glasgow Transport Department will probably have a surplus of £100,000 at...
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T HE fact that an organization such as the Society of British Aircraft Constructors urged that more transport facilities should...
T HE theft of six cartons of cigarettes from a British Road Services lorry parked overnight on land at a garage was the subject...
A N all-party Bill to give all Scottish local authorities the right to provide and maintain bus shelters was read a second...
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A N objection by British Railways to the renewal of an A licence held by Mr. G. R. Douglas. Elland, was withdrawn at 1.eeds....
New Name: Kladwell, Ltd., Glasgow, have changed their name to Rally-Clad, Ltd. Jeep " Down Under": A company has been formed...
I - I A FIRST-HAND reply to uninformed critics of the bus industry was given when the B.B.0 sent out a Radio Newsreel team to...
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movements of abnormal loads around the outskirts of London took place last Sunday. Three cylinders, each 19 ft. 6 in. in...
J 3 ECAUSE of a shortage of storage facilities, the Deveron Mill, Ltd., Great Harwood. required a steady flow of coal by road...
A REDUCTION in the bus fuel tax would not necessarily mean lower fares, because of the trend of rising costs in other spheres....
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A NEW Commer Cob with an overhead-valve petrol engine, improved styling and greater body length is announced today by Commer...
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all traffic areas. Some of the licences have expired three or four months before application is submitted. The excuses are...
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A NEW 18-cu.-yd. dumper has been announced by Fodens, Ltd., Sandbach, Cheshire, and is expected to come into production...
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Link with the Past By The Hawk THE proposal to build a mono-rail between central London 1 and London Airport recalls the old...
T HE overall brakin g performance obtainable with triple vacuum-servo brake layodts has, it is claimed by the makers, been much...
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Transport Containers Fold Plat A COLLAPSIBLE container suitable 1 - 61 for a variety of applications, such as the carriage of...
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7 AIR E. Sherlock-Mesher " UR jab is to carry loads of air," said Mr. J. C. Gregory, transport manager of Bristol Aircraft,...
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D ELIVERIES to the Netherlands Railways have just started of some of the most modern buses and coaches in Europe. Although...
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How to Clean Up Haulage VV HILST it is refreshing to read from time to time that there are still those who believe in the...
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broadcast discussion on road congestion, Mr. A. C. B. Pickford, the -new assistant general manager (traffic) of the Western...
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Save TODAY for TOMORROW'S Costs N overseas reader writes: "My problem is not simple I am thinking of returning to the United...
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A N Albion Reiver six-wheeler has covered 3,000 miles in 22 days over the Kalahari desert of South West Africa to determine the...
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P ATENT No. 788,367 shows a transmission system having two clutches in series. One is centrifugally operated, the other...