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T HE transport of goods and people by road is increasing and must, in the nature of things, continue so to do—and this even in...
I T is essential that much more attention should be paid to the vital problem of developing nonslip road surfaces. Well-known...
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Progress in the ProOR some years past en duction of Rubber deavours have been made to Mudguards . . . popularize and perfect...
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That waste oil should be valuable to someone. That in some countries it is used for binding dirt roads. That it's a strange...
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Area Conciliation Boards are being asked to supply information to the committee which the Ministers of Labour and Transport...
" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by oil difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
U UNUSUAL points arose during the k-lhearing by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority (Mr. Willoughby Bullock), at Leeds, on...
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A strong protest against the practice of the Licensing Authority in delaying prosecutions was made by Mr. W. Blackhurst,...
F INDINGS of the Appeal Tribunal requiring certain proofs in cases of carriers' businesses changing hands, were stated by •Sir...
A LLEGATIONS of intimidation 1 - 1against the L.N.E. Railway Co. by an Ushaw Moor (Durham) haulier, Mr. William Neasham, at a...
I - 1 A CASE in which a haulage contractor was charged with perjury was stopped at Leeds Assizes, last Friday, when, without...
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A serious question concerning the relations between the Ministry of Transport and the Licensing Authorities was raised by Mr....
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Representatives of Glamorgan. Monmouth and Gloucester County Councils recently waited on the Welsh Parliamentary Party to...
O PPOSITION by the L.N.E. Railway Co. to an application by Messrs L. Norfolk and Sons, Pudsey, for permission to acquire, under...
L./Friday, of a contested application by the L.N.E. Railway Co. for the addition of five motor vehicles under an A licence, at...
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MR. H. L. KENwARD, general sales director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has just completed 25 years' service with the...
L ETTERS from other A-licence La holders, which stated that there is a great shortage of tipping vehicles in Hull, were...
THREE sets of appeals against de1 cisions of the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority were heard by the Appeal Tribunal, in...
Belfast Corporation is buying three Leyland Titan oilers. Wonderer Parish Council has ordered a LeyIan.] FK fire-engine....
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At Thornbury Police Court, last week, G. G. Plank and Co. was unsuccessfully prosecuted for permitting a heavy motor vehicle to...
—A Stabilizer and a Brake Unit T WO inventions of considerable interest have just been brought to the practical stage in...
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I HAVE received a letter from Mr. G. W. Irwin, hon. secretary of A.R.O. Cambridge and Ely Sub-area, who enclosed minutes of a...
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By S. Howard Withey, F.C.I. A RESERVE, strictly speaking, is an amount charged against the periodical profits to cover an...
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—a profitable service THE temporary importation and exportation of motor vehicles for touring purposes presents a side of the...
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QUERIES FRIVOLOUS OBJECTIONS AND UNSUPPORTED APPLICATIONS. . [4844] The letter (No. 4833) of Mr. A. Binns, commercial-vehicle...
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T THERE must be few vehicles operating ing farther south than the Albions shown in the accompanying illustrations. They are...
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the "ENSTON ON Road Test No. 243 / N taking over for test a newcomer to the British market—the Oldsmobile 3-tonner—our mind...
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H OW far are we removed from unity in the road-transport industry? Superficially, the answer appears to be "two months." It has...
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r 1,300 Miles Covering ON G OOD management and sound organization are the foundation stones upon which has been built up the...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent INVISIBLE RAY SPEED TEST PURELY EXPERIMENTAL. A SUGGESTION by a Lancashire Member...
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O BJECTIONS to the renewal of licences by Portsmouth Corporation were heard by the. South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners last...
T"E of during following are the latest results municipal-transport operation the past year: Yarmouth--After meeting trading...
F URTHER strenuous opposition to the closing of a number of roads in Lancashire to public service vehicles was offered last...
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r LEVEN members of Lytham St. .I- - -■Anne's Town Council, opponents of a proposed local transport co-ordination scheme with...
A T a sitting of the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Aberdeen, it was stated that a letter had been received from a...
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B Y reason of the need for keeping the main arteries free from stationary vehicles that impede the flow of traffic, it is...
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used in conjunction with spark ignition is described by E. Pohjanpalo, of I1B, Puistokatu, Helsinki, Finland, in patent No....