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A KNOTTY problem faced the East-Midland Licens ing Authority when he had to decide who should operate a new service from...
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I T is to be hoped that the report on braking by the Road Research Laboratory, summarized in The Commercial Motor last week,...
Birds in a Bus A BUS which holds 500 passengers would seem to be impossible, but it depends upon who they are. An old...
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That nothing seems able to take a rise out of expenditure. That 20,000 coach outings make a pretty good innings for London...
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TNTRODUCING the regulations for I compensation to employees of the British Transport Commission in the House of Commons on...
Oxford Chamber of Trade met in the Town Hall last Friday to discuss the hours during which the ban on the loading or unloading...
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R EGRET that the Birmingham City depots of the Road Haulage Executive should be disbanded was expressed on Monday by members of...
rt A 50-YEAR franchise -has been obtained from the Jamaican Government by Jamaican Omnibus Services, Ltd., a company formed by...
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SIR ALAN . RAE SMITH and SIR HAROLD BAnrowhave been re-appointed auditors of the British Transport Commission. MR. E. W....
A CLAIM by workers at the Dudley repair depot cif Leyland Motors, Ltd. t that the hours worked outside the normal working week...
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E XTERIOR soap-washing of buses 1 --dand coaches with the Essex washer has been made economical by London Transport Executive....
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New Coach Association's Aims ' O UR fight is for freedom of choice so that private party organizers shall, as in the past 20...
T HE future of aluminium bodywork for livestock-carrying purposes seems now to be well-established, the most recent application...
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T HE Minister of Transport was asked by Mr. Ernest Davies on Monday whether he would make regulations requiring that where an...
A N appeal by the Railway Executive against the granting of a licence to Warner's Motors, Ltd., to operate an express carriage...
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" T HE type of evidence required for a non-obligatory service is not as stringent as the evidence required for a stage service....
A CiA1NST the recommendation of an Inspector of the Ministry, the Minister of Transport has grante'd permission to Mr. G. E....
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A A FLEET of 48 trailer-mounted grain-handling plants has been ordered by the Turkish Government to deal with that country's...
R OAD transport in India, both passenger and goods, should be developed by private enterprise. This recommendation has been...
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Bus Easily Handled By Laurence J. Cotton, NI.I.R.T.E. W HEN the Volvo underfloorengined bus, loaded to the equivalent of 77...
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M ARSHLAND bordering on the tiny hamlet of Mucking in Essex has, during the past 20 years, gradually been reclaimed with refuse...
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THERE is little point in two laymen ar g uing about ' J ' HERE interpretation of an Act of Parliament. I have accordingly taken...
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S HRINKING margins and rising labour costs have called for an immediate increase in efficiency in retail trading, and the...
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I T is perhaps easy to understand why little more has been heard of the proposal put forward at the Transport and General...
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Get Through A S the final curtain fell on a musical show at a London suburban theatre one Saturday night, the stage hands...
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A DOLLY that will convert into a full / - 1. trailer any semi-trailer fitted with the Scammell automatic coupling unit, is...
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A NEW driver-operated 25-cwt. three wheeled batteay electric, with rear-axle drive, laminated rubber suspension for the front...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Details the Items of Expense that, Whilst not Directly Related to the Vehicle, have to be...
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A N unorthodox scheme for driving the wheels of a vehicle forms the subject of patent No. 693,374, which comes from National...