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Owners of motor vehicles and tractors within ronning distanee of London are requested to make a 11:1Ih-â ui the 2Ist May in...
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A Yorkshire Removal Contractor Obtains Satisfactory Results from one of Foster's Wellington Tractors. Recorded by a Member of...
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By Henry Sturmey. " Experience," we are told in an old adage, " makes fools wise :'' whether a man is or is not a fool, before...
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News contributions are invited: payment will be mode on publication. Nzest lIzgistration. Ihe White Star Taxis, Ltd., with an...
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The Natural Resources of Brazil. This journal does mit lay claim to authority on rubber production or manipulation, but the...
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A motorbus service has recently been started between Banff and Macduff. The second annual staff dinner of the London General...
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'⢠The Journal of the Institute of Metals."-The second volume of the proceedings of that useful institution, of which Sir Wm....
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This journal has by far the largest and best circulationâi.e., total of subscribers' orders and actual sales through...
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A Berlin Congress. The tenth annual assembly of the German Professional Fire Brigades Association, due to take place at Berlin...
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By' r 77 e 5,ctractor 44 'In:suppressible. London,'' the telegraphic address of the Stanley Show, would be equally ap Power...
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Fire-engine Tests at Glasgow. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 11,124] Sir,âWith reference to Messrs. Merryweather's...
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Petrol-electric Omnibuses for India. [1,577J "S." writes :â"When I was ie India, from Ivhich country I have just returned, I...
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Filing Thin Brass Liners. The sender of the following communication has been awarded the 10s. prize this week. [681] "AL"...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...