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T HE raising, often by Use of Value consickrable amounts, - of the ,export targets will Exports. Introduce introduce...
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M ANY men who are at present occupying important or reasonably good positions in commercial road transport, particularly on the...
A Popular Guide to A USEFUL, although un the City of Birming authorized, road guide ham service is now operating on the routes...
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That many completed commercial chassis await shipment. That more fog is likely—and not onl y on the transport routes. That it...
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Q FFICIAIL circles were as much surprised and shocked as the road transport industry at the announcement last week-end that Sir...
T HE new 10-cwt. Austin van described in "The Commercial Motor" on October 10, will sell for £315 in lead and £325 finished in...
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A S "a formal acknowledgment" of a working agreement which has existed between Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., and County...
the same anti-social sins as the employers did in the 1930's, said Mr. J. G. Dickie (Transport and General Workers' Union) at...
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A DDRESSING a gathering of distributors from all parts of Europe on the eve of the Paris Show, Sir William Rootes, K.B.E.,...
R OAD haulage users' objections to ‘the conditions of carriage recommended in a booklet issued by the Road Haulage Association...
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MR. K. A. E. MOORE has resigned from the board of Jonas Woodhead and Sons, Ltd. SIR WILFIUD AYRE has been appointed a...
'THE last of the Great Western Rail'. way's 30 zonal schemes will be brought into operation on November 1, when Machynlleth,...
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T HAT the • Deputy Licensing Authority had not referred to two test-case decisions of the ' Appeal Tribunal, was stated by the...
A T a luncheon given last week by The National Road Transport Federation the guests of honour were Dr. F. Ernest Spat and Dr....
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B LACK POOL Corporation has lodged an appeal against the decision of the North-Western Licensing Authority for Public Service...
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H OUSE-TO-HOUSE delivery is one of the most trying tasks to which any vehicle can be set. The vehicle is subject to repeated...
D OAD transport conditions in Burma IN-are described in a report which "The Commercial Motor" has received from Mr. R. E....
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of appropriate bodywork, and the machining of certain components are now concentrated at the Aldermoor factory, Coventry, of...
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A Sturdy Chassis with a Lively Performance, the Dodge 5-ton Oiler Will be Popular with Long-distance Hauliers Requiring...
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By Arthur R. Wilson, M.I.R.T.E. IN his presidential address to the I Institute of Transport, reported in The Commercial Motor"...
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Stand 69 (main hall): The S.A.V.1.A. coach has a Saurer oil engine mounted transversely behind the axle,, with transmission...
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says . Ald. Holdsworth MATIONALIZATION of transport during the economic crisis will slow down services at a time when they...
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F U RNITURE warehousemen and I removers are, in one respect, not conventional. They still adhere to their traditional practice,...
by which the conduct of its members towards their customers and amongst themselves is measured. They provide: (1) That every...
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CLEARLY, the business of areas and sub-areas is, in the main, to deal with applications for licences. This discussion was on...
says Lord Sempill A SUGGESTION that an international group of experts should meet at intervals to discuss standardization...
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is Loss THIS is the second and concluding article describing I a conversation-with a jobbing haulier who was for part of his...
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A NOVEL solution to' the problem ot providing economically and efficiently for house-to-house deliveries of commodities such as...
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F ROM C.A.V., Ltd. and W NicolIs, both of Warple Way, London, W.3, comes, in patent No. 589,722, a description of a hydraulic...