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I N about three, weeks' time. the shape of the , Goyern ment's redrafted, plan for inland transport willtbe known. It is likely...
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T 00 little has been said in protest against the restrictions on hire-purchase imposed by the Treasury. In the minds of many...
Lamps Dipped Automatically A RECENT invention from America, to be seen at the Motor Show, is an automatic device which frees...
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That a hot tyre should never be" bled." Of the aid lady who said that she thought "branded petrol" would be a scandalous waste...
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S HOULD workmen's fares be treated as a national rather than as a regional issue, should dividends be reduced to meet rising...
"I AM impressed by the argument for increasing the speed limit for certain commercial goods vehicles from 20 m.p.h. to 30...
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A CONVICTION by Nottingham 1' I magistrates of Mr. E. C. B. Woolley, a Nottingham lace manufacturer, for exceeding 30 m.p.h. in...
B ACKINGS for licences for GlasgowLondon and Edinburgh-London services were sought from the Metropolitan Licensing Authority by...
A BIGGER allocation of motor vehicles to the home market is being made, and Mr. L. P. Lord, chairman and managing director of...
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LORD ROCHDALE has succeeded MR. A. E. LINES as a member of the Central Transport Consultative Committee. MR. JOHN PATERSON,...
COMPENSATION amounting to \-0 £556,438 was awarded by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal, in London last week, to the following...
A T the 39th dinner of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, held on the eve of the Motor Show, Mr. Henry Spurrier,...
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S UBJECT to the approval of the North Western Licensing Authority, Manchester CorpOration is to experiment with two...
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F ROM next Monday, charges on the services operated by Scottish Omnibuses, LW., Central S.M.T. Co., Ltd., Western S.M.T. Co.,...
THE new centrifugal clutch developed by Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., in conjunction with the Self-Changing Gear Co.,...
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COMMERCIAL VEHICLE exports were greater in value and number in the first eight months of this year than in the comparable...
Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., has ordered 20 Burlingham Seagull bodies to be built on Bedford chassis. Pre:payment fare kiosks are...
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A ' appeal by the Road Haulage Executive against the compensation award by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal to Mr. James...
O MISS1ONS in evidence presented to the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority regarding the amount of ancillary work dope by...
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Manufacturers of Workshop Appliances Strive to Ease the Task of the Service Engineer with Products of Ingenious Design T HE...
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C OUPLED to a 3-ton semitrailer the Scammell three wheeled tractor is a lively and smart workhorse, with a small appetite for...
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The General Electric Co., Ltd., Kingsway, London, WEI, has issued a catalogue of its trolleybus equipment. The Federation of...
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A MODIFIED version of the Cranes 120-ton all-hydraulic trailer, the first model of which was fully described in The Commercial...
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p ORTLIGAL, in common with other countries which maintained their neutrality in the 1939-45 war, enjoys a high and rising...
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Says Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE progress of. an industrial undertaking can be accurately assessed by noting the...
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In Defence of . "Fives" 1WAS very interested in E. Hirst's letter concerning five-cylinder-engined buses, ai I was a driver On...
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Old Spanish (Hall) Custom T HE room chosen for the Road Haulage Association's banquet at which the Minister of Transport was...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Describes a Simplified Method of Cost Recording and Rates Assessment, with Reference to...
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A Ninjection pump • having one plunger to servo any 'number of engine cylinders is shown in patent No. 679,006, by V....