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hope for the road transport industry. The machinery of denationalization should have been set in motion, but unfortunately at...
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O NE of the arguments used by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce in favour of transferring appellate jurisdiction...
1.0.T. Balances Politics A N interesting and non-political toast at the recent dinner of The Institute of Transport was "...
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Lords Amendments Not to be Considered Until After the Budget Debate By Our Parliamentary Correspondent THE Transport Bill...
By Our Parliamen tory Correspondent n URING the third reading of the Bill in the House of Lords, last week, the vague proviso...
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Houses. The Minister, after considering all that was said in the debates, would bring forward a Draft Order and ask both Houses...
T HE Transport and General Workers' Union have asked the Road Haulage Wages Council to eliminate a 3s. difference between the...
nECISION has now been given by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority on a number of applications for variations of backings for...
T HE Ford Motor Co., Ltd., have agreed to acquire from the Briggs Manufacturing Co. and other American interests 1,243,938...
TWO coach operators of Leyland, 1 Lancs. who have been carrying supporters of Preston North 'End football team to Deepdale for...
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MR. J. C. PorrER has left his position as chief service representative of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd.. to join the export...
L OSS of employment and "cut prices" would follow denationalization, said Mr. John McQuade, president of the Scottish Horse and...
T HE weekly average number of orders for Leyland vehicles has risen by 72 per cent. since early in February, when the makers...
a fleet of single-deck trolleybuses next month, Glasgow Corporation are seeking approval by the Sheriff of a by-law to permit a...
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G RANTING, at an adjourned hearing, the application of J. James and Sons, Ltd., for permission to increase fares, the South...
Northern Railways IT is understood that the Minister of Transport has agreed to reach a quick decision on the cross-appeals...
T HE ad hoc committee of the Road Haulage Association, which has been negotiating on the Transport Bill with the Minister of...
companies has been confirmed by the Transport Arbitration Tribunal: Messrs. Guy Bros, Aberlady, £28,500; Messrs. Agnew and...
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CONCILIATORY offers by Wilts and • --• Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., to private coach operators on Salisbury Plain were...
T HE Minister of Transport has been approached by various national organizations to amend the regulations concerning number...
p RIVATE coach parties of "very doubtful legality" were causing concern, the West Midland Licensing Authority stated last week....
IN his annual statement, the chairman I f the Singapore Traction Co., Ltd., discloses that part of the fleet of 304 motorbuses...
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A REQUEST that the West Midland Licensing Authority should revoke the road service licences of six operators in the Oswestry...
A N assurance that the interests of the small man would be safeguarded during denationalization was given by Mr. I,. I. Stokoe,...
ss) Motors, Ltd., in 1952, at £44.5m.,. were 24 per cent, higher than in 1951 and established a record. The final net profit...
THE committee representing manu1 facturcrs and transport users, headed by Sir Leonard Browett, director of the National Union...
F REE pardons to 158 persons convicted of exceeding 30 m.p.h. in utilities and goods vehicles weighing less than 3 tons unladen...
rt A PROPOSAL that the transport trade unions should use their finances to buy Road Haulage Executive assets will come before...
T HE last two tram services in the south of Liverpool are losing £700 a week and immediate track repairs would cost £24,000....
O NE of the buses of Barton Transport, Ltd., Chilwell, Notts, has been fitted with winking-light direction indicators and...
W HEN a solicitor representing an applicant stated at Newcastle-onTyne last week that there would have been a large number of...
N EW draft regulations on compensation for employees of road haulage undertakings compulsorily acquired by the British...
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UEARD by Mr. J. M. Glen on lanuary 1, two appeals concerning express services from Wattisham Royal Air Force Station to London...
F OLLOW1NG representations from the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association and other bodies, the London Transport Executive...
T HE railways would have more freedom in the future and might lower their rates so as to crush road haulage, said Mr. T. D....
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THERE is no justification for maintaining a railway I branch line because either the goods or the passenger service on it pays...
T WO new Leyland agents have been appointed. Messrs. Charles Keller, Theaterstrasse 10, Zurich, have become agents in...
F IVE single-deckers of four makes are being given a fortnight's trial on the Aldershot-Bognor route of the Aldershot and...
QTATING that a new tour from Glas gow to Culzean Castle, granted to Messrs. McLean Bros., would result in "healthy rather than...
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T "groups of coach operators, Ribblesdale Coachways and W. Robinson and Sons, are to support Blackburn Corporation in securing...
A T Nottingham, last week, the magistratestrates dismissed a case brought against a pedestrian for " interrupting the free...
conference of the London Labour Party voted in favour of an amendment to a protest against proposed increases of fares in...
D URING a recent four-week period, Middlesbrough_ Transport DepartMent carried 162.000 fewer passengers than in a comparable...
L EADING executives of bus companies and manufacturers' representatives from all over the country made their annual visit to...
A FTER 50 years in the Civil Service, he was convinced thaP it was not designed to operate industry and was incapable of doing...
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By P. G. Tucker An Ingenious System Which Records Out-of-balance Area and Weight Required for Correction W H1LST it might be...
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ISRAEL'S steadily growing passenger 1 transport industry is almost exclusively the preserve of road transport. In 1952, I 62m....
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Load Champ has Good Cross-country Peni Carrying 17 cwt. and Equipped with Tyres : Additional Load has Little Eff Consumption,...
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T HE first of a batch of six BristolE.C.W. Lodekka buses having chassis embodying a transmission system of outstanding...
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Service Appeals? A.B.C.C. Recommendations to Thesiger Committee : Needs of Users Should have Priority in Licensing: Changes in...
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Sound Barrier W HATEVER the representatives of trade and industry may feel has been gained by the number of meetings with the...
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I HAVE read regularly, with great appreciation, S.T.R.'s articles ever since they began; they have been part a the education of...
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Advice to a Newcomer to Haulage Who Wants to Know How to Quote Rates to Customers : Stipulations About Mileage Should be Made...
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D ETA1LS have been announced of a statement made to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the Parliamentary and Legal Council of...
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P ATENT No. 685,745, which comes from Daimler Benz A.G., Stuttgart -Untertiirkheim, Germany; expounds certain views on the...