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A FEW months ago we referred to the fact that the road motor, in its various forms; is the least vulnerable of our several...
( - N NE of the best arguments against rateVa./cutting in road haulage is, or should be, the futility of it, its absolute...
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A PPLICANTS for Class B licences are finding their entrance into the haulage industry somewhat difficult. There was a butcher...
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Of the North-Western Traffic Commissioners selftermed " the high priests of co-ordination." That, according to a provincial...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Applicants for Transport-manager's Post at Middlesbrough. The transport committee of Middlesbrough Corporation recently...
Shipley Urban District Council is to purchase a motor ambulance. The woks committee of Southwark Borough Council recommends...
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I N the past there has been a natural tendency to design internal-combusrion-engined road rollers on lines similar to those of...
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VirlITHIN recent W years the Irish Free State Government, to protect Irish motof traders and to relieve ' unemployment, has...
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Manifests Many First-class Qualities W ITHOUT sacrificing performance or strength, or inconveniently limiting the...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, 143571 believe I am right in saying that the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., never used...
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O NE of the major problems to be determined in the design of articulated six-wheelers is the amount of flexibility to be...
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WHEN, in May last, the War DepartVV meat held a series of trials of standard 4-6-ton petrol engined vehicles, another set of...
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PROMINENT INDEPENI NT Bus OPERATOR T HE largest independent bus operators in Scotland, Messrs. Young's Bus Services, deserve...
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INTERNAL AIR MAILS WITHOUT SURCHARGE. In our issue dated July 20 we state( that the Postmaster-General was sells fled with the...
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HAULIER and CARRIER 0 UR Tables of Operating Costs are in their 25th year of publication. The object of issuing these data has...
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WEEK on LAUNDRY ER VICE A LARGE laundry concern in a populous arta operates its motor vehicles under conditions almost as...
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T HE Road Traffic Act, 1934, is now law, having received the Royal Assent last Tuesday. It is important, however, to realize...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent ROAD TRAFFIC BILL: PARKINGPLACE CLAUSE. O N the Report Stage of the...
Q0111E interesting applications for L./licences were heard by Mr. A. F. 'Nicholson, the Western Licensing Authority, at...
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A N occasional criticism of these notes is that they paint the trade situation in this country in colours which are too...
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D 4.TENT No. 412,231, by the 1 Daimler Co., Ltd., L. H. Pomeroy, C. M. Simpson and S. H. Shellard, all of the Daimler Works,...