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TWRING the past two months or so a great -I--fimpetus has been given to interest in the problems associated with the...
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THER E is much evidence to prove that the recent Commercial Motor Show at Olympia was the best yet held, not only in respect of...
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That judicious bus-washing pays for itself. Of a Diesel engine replacing a petrol unit on a petrol-electric vehicle. That...
A somewhat inebriated gentleman entered a bus and took a seat. After a time a sour-looking lady boarded the bus and he rose...
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Once again the annual report ef Dennis Brothers, Ltd., of Guildford. makes extremely gratifying reading for the shareholders,...
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One of the many developments of Hardy, Spicer and Co., Ltd., of Birch Road, 'Witten, Birmingham, is a flexible clutch centre,...
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EBBW VALE Urban District Council has pnrehased a Leyland motor fireengine. BURY Corporation has recently decided to purchase...
The Guildford municipal authorities have decided to issue season tickets at £1. 6s. per quarter in respect of the Cattle Market...
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A MOST interesting demonstration was recently given before representatives of the road-transport departments of the War...
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riONDITIONS in other lands vary so much that the v l.J usual two methods of overland transport—road and rail —cannot always,...
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11 A T the invitation of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., on Tuesday last, we joined a large party organized for the purpose...
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A Precis of a Paper Read Last Week. Interesting Data and a Consideration of Future Possibilities d'A NE of the most striking...
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Oil-engined Chassis on the Way MI CONOMY is the keystone of all A r industry and any method of reduc , lug the operating...
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Representative Types of Commercial Sidecar and Threewheeler at the Cycle a n ii Motorcycle Show rIN Saturday last, November...
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Employing PETROL-ENGINE PRESSURES \ ATE have for a long time been in close touch V with Watts (Factors), Ltd., of Lydney,...
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Motorcycle Show, which is now being held at Olympia, is a most interesting light delivery vehicle which is being shown by its...
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Mr. Thomas and Petrol Tax. By our Special American Financial Crisis. An Assurance on Taxation. Parliamentary Lord Mayor's Show...
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T HERE is a civilian company in York, namely, the Artillery Transport Co., Ltd., which, since 1927, has maintained a fleet of...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2950] Sir,—We read, with considerable interest, the article on " Progress in Brake Design"...
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Other Lands Middle East Prosperity. S EVERAL representatives of the British commercial-motor industry are at present making...
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That Make for Comfort and Efficiency ON COACHES T HE seating plan of the coach is not subject to such rigid conditions as is...
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ESPITE the fact that 11 years 1./have passed since the termination of the war there is still a large number of war-type goods...
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T RANSPORT companies abroad, especially in tropical countries, sometimes complain that they find it difficult to persuade...
Behind-the-scenes Organization which is Associated with the Operation of Motor Coaches. T HEonly " commodity " the motorcoach...
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Safety and Comfort Features Embodied in New Coaches for Long-distance Routes. N O fewer than eight vehicles which were ordered...
Licensing Conditions in Respect of Motorbuses Form the Subject of a Ministry of Transport Inquiry. C ONDITIONS imposed by...
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T HE Motor-vehicle and Road - traffic _ Bill, which was introduced recently in the Northern Ireland House of Commons, is of...
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of the HAULIER and CARRIER T HERE are two classes of work which cause trouble for hauliers, whenever they are asked to...
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Road-surfacing Machines A FTER much success in Germany, Czecho-Slovakia and other countries, a • compressed-air-operated...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications P ATENT No. 317,932, by H. P. Maxted, and Alford and Alder (Engineers)...