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HEN dealing with road-transport matters of national importance, and which, consequently, affect' the whole of the industry, the...
IS there as much friction between pedestrians, cyclists and drivers of motor vehicles as may appear to be the case from a...
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T HE railways are interesting themselves in the taxation of goods vehicles. Readers of this journal are receiving calls...
Motoring Magistrates VERY bench of magistrates Should Deal with " should have upon it at Motoring Offences . least one J.P....
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Of the travelling public becoming brake conscious. Of increasing interest in "frameless" vehicle design. That the reorganized...
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LONDON DRIVERS WANT ANOTHER 6s. Application has been made by the Transport and General Workers Union to three associations and...
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MR. J. V. FRANKLIN has been appointed a director of Black and Decker. Ltd., to act as assistant managing director. In the...
Tractor Drivers DRESIDING at a conference con vened by the, Tractor Users' Association, in London, on Tuesday, Lord...
well catered for at the David Lewis Hotel, Great George Place, Liverpool, where there was officially opened on Monday, by . the...
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Whether disciplinary action should continue throughout the currency period of a licence was an issue at a Manchester inquiry,...
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A LTHOUGH Mr. Henry . Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, had refused in September an application by. Messrs. Elrick...
A CONTENTION that Bouts-Tillot. scin Transport, Ltd., should he classed as a newcomer in the Liverpool district was made by the...
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Arrangements are being made by the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, in co-operation with an organizing committee in...
Stoke.on.Trent Electricity Committee is huYing a Wilson Electric tower wagon. Sheffield Health Committee is to purchase a...
made by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., is one against an interesting repeat order received from the Argentine Ministry of...
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Firestone Company Evolves Ingenious Pneumatic Springing Device, Suitable for Independent SusPension and Incorporating Automatic...
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Special Problems Arising Out of the Present Tendency to Buy New Vehicles A NOTHER season of lectures is now in full swing and I...
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A BAKER'S streamlined van for house-to-house deliveries has a domed roof and top back panel, well-rounded rear corners, a set...
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A Unique Type (u) Unique Performance T O the Mersey Tunnel may be attributed the birth of the machine about which this...
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Built to Deal with 75- Ion Concentrated Loads, the Latest Dyson Product Incorpotates Some Advanced Features in Design A...
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A CALL TO ARMS AT CROYDON. Croydon Sub-area of the C.M.U.A. held what the chairman, Mr. Frank F. Fowler, styled a " call to...
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WELL over 100 operators in the district attended the A.R.O. meeting held at Croydon on Monday. Mr. Rusholm Brown was chairman....
in the Bolton area to build up a rates structure, and questions germane to that subject, but arising out of an address by...
He declared that, in the case of the Salter Report, which changed the whole aspect of the excellent work of the Royal...
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Last week's annual dinner of A.R.O. South-Eastern Area was one of the most successful divisional functions yet held by the...
Yorkshire Conciliation Board Employers' Panel Consults Licensing Authority Q UEST_TONS as to the possibility of eliminating...
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and QUERIES BUSES CAUSE LONDON TRAFFIC CHAOS. [5204] As a keen observer of London traffic conditions, I was interested to...
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Municipal Units A PIECE of apparatus recently introduced by Tuke and Bell, Ltd., Carlton Engineering Works, Lichfield, Staffs,...
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Some Observations Following a Visit to the Extensive Works at Clifton function of the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd. A...
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Scotland's News by Night I S it news? That is the mental question which every newspaperman puts to himself probably a dozen or...
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Scammell Perkins engined 10-ton Mechanical-horse Outfit Demonstrates Its Capabilities to a Railway Company When ordered, tne...
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EXCURSION FARES " PROHIBITIVE " D URING the annual revision of . excursion fares at a public sitting of the North Western...
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" N O wives to te carried at cheap fares' is the ruling of the North Western Traffic Commissioners in respect of the...
In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Carrespondent PROGRESS IN FREEING TOLL BRIDGES. R EPLYING in the House of Commons...
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Small Turning Circle and Low Weight are Features of New Italian Machine A . GOOD deal of attention is being centred in...
Stainless-clad Steel Now Being Welded, New Method of Sheet Making, Better Sparking-plug Electrode Materials, Avoiding Wear in...
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F ROM the interest point of view, the commercial section at the recent 10th Italian International Motor Show, at Milan,...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published N OVEL designs of power unit are always of interest, and...
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What London Transport Thinks of Methods of Overcoming the Existing and Future Difficulties ARIOUS remarks made by officials of...
N OTHING does more to contribute to a depression of trade than to adopt and ventilate the belief that such a happening is...
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Speed Limits in Areas (IN certain sections of arterial With Derestriction •-Jroads leading out of Signs London, the Minister of...