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0 NE of „the difficulties confronting the operator of those classes of commercial vehicle which are taxed upon their unladen...
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W E have always been a' little doubtful as to The attitude which might be adopted by other organizations connected with...
Rim Seizure of Tyres THE Ministry of Supply has May Cause Much A recently published advertise Damage meats on "How to Do a...
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That " united" is a master key word. That private enterprise is in the glasshouse for the duration. Re the pairing of tyres,...
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T HE S.J.C.-has in preparation an application to be made tothe /11.0.W.T. for the revision, in an upward direction, of the...
TYRE recovery and the salvage of L rubber in general have reached a high standard in the Middle East. The special unit...
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OAD transport must be used only l‘for essential freight which cannot he moved by other Means, states Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker,...
Ma, ROBERT TURNER has been appointed general manager of the combined Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society transport...
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ro Tuesday of last week, at the klanenal general meeting of . the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, Mr. F....
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T HE Minister of Labour and National Service has made an Order giving statutory effect to the proposals of the Road Haulage...
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M ANY stories of the Great Canadian Alaskan military highway have been published, and ' more will be written before the...
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I T is high time that the term " Public Interest " was defined, explained and, in the light of its past interpretation with...
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T HE repair by welding of such components as cylinder blocks, craukcases, crankshafts, exhaust pipes, manifolds, bumpers,...
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By Anthony High A S poinled out by the Editor of this • journal, there is a widedivergence of opinion as to the reasons for,...
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UERIES LEADED FUEL SABOTAGING THE WAR EFFORT MUCH has been written concerning the pros and cons inof leaded fuels, and...
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A FRIEND of mine who is managing director of a small haulage company, said to me the other day: "Why is it I can't make a....
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Railways May be Protected and Even Subsidized by the Government, Whilst Road Haulage May Sink to a Railway Auxiliary I T is...
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Iv/HEN crankpins have to VV be reground, each has to be set up to run true before grinding can cornmence. This takes some time...