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American Synthetic Rubbers A NEW type of synthetic rubber which may prove " valuable for tyres intended for service in cold...
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That many workers are more adversely affected by shift duties than busmen. That more shift work is done in metal manufacture...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE policy of the Road Haulage Association on denationalization is in the melting-pot. There is a...
A S forecast in The Commercial Motor last week, the Queen's Speech at the opening of Parliament on Tuesday promised that a new...
O N Tuesday the Court of Appeal dismissed with costs the appeal by Birmingham Corporation against a decision of Mr. Justice...
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MR. G. H. LIVINGSTON has been appointed area sales manager (Scottish region) of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., in succession...
A CLAIM that the Eastern Licensing Authority had been misled was made by Mr. D. L. McDonnell, for Birch Bros., Ltd., who on...
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A WAGE increase of 8s. a week for drivers and conductors was accepted by delegates representing 78,000 bus workers employed by...
MAKERS of prime movers and in trailers are to standardize upon two types of connecting gear as advised by the Society of Motor...
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S TAFF troubles of large transport undertakings were not sufficient reason for the provision of direct services by smaller...
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THE Carlyle central works of the I Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., formally opened last week, should become one...
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T HE new system of traffic light signals in Oxford Street, London, installed at •a cost of 07,000, was formally brought into...
I S possible that the greatest delay to I the greatest number of people is taking place in our towns and not in the open...
PI A PROPOSED county by-law which would make it an offence to bring a vehicle with muddy wheels on to the road is being opposed...
being exported, said Mr. R. H. Seddon, chairman, at the company's annual meeting last Friday. Every effort was being made to...
launched by the Road Haulage Association. Copies of two banner posters measuring about 24 in. b.y 4 in. have been dispatched to...
L ORD DERWENT, chairman of the I-0 British Road Federation, has sent the Prime Minister a copy of the Federation's latest...
D UR1NG five years from 1956, Finland is to import 1,600 to 2,000 commercial vehicles each year from Russia. In recent years...
THE use of oil fuel for vehicles has increased by over 10 per cent, and direct sales of petrol to large commercial users have...
denationalized was expressed by Mr. T. A. Barton, chairman of Barton Transport, Ltd., in his annual report. He also referred to...
AA N application by the municipal transport departments of Stockton and Middlesbrough to extend their joint service to the...
THE use by Sunderland Corporation of a one-man-operated bus . from the town centresto the Hill View Estate has resulted in the...
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T HERE is at present no known method of preventin g the emission of sulphur dioxide or carbon monoxide from vehicle exhausts....
N EW export models of the Leyland Ti g er Cub underfloor en g ined vehicle havebeen introduced to enable the re q uirements of...
IF further increases in wa g es are g iven, it is doubtful whether we can, carry them without subse q uent rises in the prices...
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in Municipal • Bus Fleets.. ? . A N increase of only 77 in the aggregate strength of municipal bus fleets during 1954 is...
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CA A FULLY automatic system of charging nickel-iron batteries is now in use by Harrods, Ltd., Knightsbridge, London, S.W.!. The...
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A N effective and economical method of heating garages and workshops is provided by a fully portable combustion-type space...
nRIGINALLY evolved for replacing small inaccessible screws in vehicle electrical equipment, the Grip-Start screwdriver...
rate in excess of 300 g.p.h. at 20 p.s.i., is used in the De Laval Paraminor washer recently introduced by the AlfaLaval Co.,...
by Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Waltham Cross, Herts. Known as the Coilex, this electrode is doublewire-wound flux extruded...
Ltd., 30-36 Queensway, Ponders End, Middx., incorporate several novel features. _The rubber nozzles have fiat faces so that the...
marketed by Oldham and Son, Ltd., by arrangement with A. J. Browning, Ltd., who developed it, it is available in six sizes....
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C OMMERCIAL-VEHICLE interest at this year's Smithfield Show, which is being held at Earls Court from December 6-10, will be...
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LIVE Leyland Octopus eight-wheelers I are to be delivered to Roadstone, Ltd., Dublin, the largest suppliers of road-making...
A NEW approach to the selection of natives for skilled work is being made by the Public Utility Transport Corporation, which...
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C an be Sued Our Legal Adviser R ECENT criticisms by " Janus " of, the ill-repair and general condition of our highways implied...
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Increased Use of Light Alloys, Smaller and More Efficient Components and Welded Chassis Frames By Could Bring Down Unladen...
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44 OU missed. a chance by riot giving a more inspiring name to your society for the return of complete free ...enterprise to...
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A PASSENGER vehicle built by the ri Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., which is claimed to have made transport history in...
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W HENEVER a new edition of " ' The Commercial Motor' Tables of Operating Costs" appears, one or more readers raises the...
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DUSES and other vehicles that spend a large proportion of, their time in stopping and starting are continuously expending much...