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Dock decision on demarcation Demarcation disputes are not new. For too long they have been part of the British working scene....
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Absorbing NBC subsidiary's PTA area vehicles would boost fleet to near 3000 • SELNEC Passenger Transport Executive will add...
• A total of 10,000 Scania trucks running in the UK by 1976 — that is the target to which t he Swedish SAABScania automotive...
• Yesterday (Thursday) evening the Freight Transport Association was host to the transport commission of UNICE, the...
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• Trade unions that allowed their paid officers to go off on a frolic of their own and create local industrial strife were...
• Complete segregation of vehicles and pedestrians is a desirable goal, but within the limitations of existing road networks in...
• Container handling in Southampton Docks is no longer to be regarded as "dock work". This is the text of a written decision...
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• Smiths Industries Ltd And PitneyBowes Ltd are to co-operate in the development of opportunities arising from the use of...
• A training course, believed to be the first of its kind in the UK. for hgv drivers about to embark on Continental work is now...
• Besco (Coachbuilders) Ltd, Bedford Road, Northampton, has been acquired by the former sales team of Unit Body Developments...
• Co-operation between Volkswagen and one of Germany largest electrical concerns, RWE. is aimed at the development of a...
RTITB, has officially opened Hull and District Road Transport Training 'Group Ltd, and its new £50,000 purpose-built...
• At the annual dinner of the RHA North - Western area at Blackpool last week, the chairman of the Association, Mr William...
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• A free sharing-owning scheme for all employees was announced last week by one of Britain's leading privately owned removal...
• Over 90 per cent of the 2733 prosecutions for overloading offences brought during 1970 were successful Commons answer by Mr...
• Charged at Grimsby Borough magistrates' court in what was stated to be the first prosecution in the country of its kind under...
• A Walthamstow man said to have been party to a fake hijacking of L4S41 worth of sweets over two years ago, was jailed for...
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tell the boss • • • • by John Darker • In many small businesses the driver(s) may be the most professional transport man, said...
• The first Gardner 8LXB engines to be fitted by Atkinson into its Venturer double-drive six wheelers are now entering service...
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by David Lowe • Relationships between the functions of marketing, warehousing and transport within the overall concept of...
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by Derek Moses • The first of a fleet of four airside coaches custom-built for British Overseas Airways Corporation by J. H....
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Spot fines for fare evasion suggested by bus working party • All single-deck stage carriage services in Britain are likely to...
• Expecting that its decision to carry out the Government /C131 price restraint policy would cost Lim in lost revenue, SELNEC...
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• Express buses of new Soviet and Hungarian models have started running in Moscow. They seat from 100 to 200 people. The use of...
of the city with airports and river and railway stations. Development or city transport was necessitated by the need to speed...
• Applicants for passenger service vehicle driving licences who are over 50 should have the medical examination certificate,...
• Mr John Peyton replied with a short, sharp "No" when he was asked in the Commons if he would set up Passenger Transport...
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• When a vehicle examiner called at the premises of a Bedfordshire haulage contractor in May. three of the vehicles he examined...
• When two haulage contractors were charged at Leicester City magistrates' court with using duty-free domestic fuel for running...
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• Spot checks on four Midland Red garages between September 14 and 23, 1971, resulted in 32 vehicles being immediately ordered...
• The Scottish LA reserved decision — and he stressed that this was not a formal term but a very deliberate decision in view of...
• The use of trade plates on a vehicle used to tow a trailer was unlawful, three High Court judges have decided. Lord Widgery...
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Gerald R. Hayes, assistant secretary of the National Freight Federation (NFC) Ltd since 1969, has retired. Following the...
• To make sure of coupling to French semi-trailers without fear of exceeding legal limits on length and axle-loading, a London...
• Known as the Freightveyor, a mobile conveyor with a variable-height boom has been developed by Ling Systems Ltd, PO Box 4,...
• Thomas Tilling Ltd. the industrial holding company, is to resume direct marketing of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles from...
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• The ASPA system for monitoring tyre pressures on heavy vehicles, developed over the past five years by Mr A. Mirsky and to be...
• Roller shutters afford direct access to the pallet-loaded metal strip products carried in any part of the body, in a new van...
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A well-mannered lady from Lillyhall. The new integral bus costs £9500 with all the extras an engineer could wish for, and the...
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So far the bus has no rival as popular choice for public transport in new towns by Derek Moses MONORAILS; hover trains; light...
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by Paul Brockington, MIMechE THE occasional newspaper story about a runaway coach or picture of a burned out bus can convey a...
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Road transport needs Channel bridge cum tunnel • The channel tunnel project is far from dead. The Government is expected to...
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by John Darker, AMBIM An inside view of what it means to organize a package tour by coach PACKAGE TOURISTS in all transport...
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WHAT RESEARCH is being carried out in the field of passenger transport? A simple enough question on the face of it but finding...
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A look at the future of British bus builders in the face of competition from the new State-backed Integral single-decker by...
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by George E. Toles, New York An acute problem in Britain's countryside where bus services are on the decline is that of...
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Vehicle fires by John C. Vann • During the past few years firemen have been called to an increasing number of fires in road...
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DISTRIBUTION -3 by Alan Bunting, MIMechE This week: the Trans-lift system devised by H. Clarke and Sons Ltd, of Bitteswell...
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y our tax by R. H. Grimsley BCom. FIAC 17. Benefits in kind for directors and other employees THE REVENUE have spent energy...
Benchwise. cool it (30) IF an inexperienced driver during winter has had to top up his radiator with plain water after a...
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Return to licensing IT was a bold step by the Freight Transport Association to come out with support for a maximum vehicle...
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John Ratcliff • John Ratcliff is a man of independent mind. Only 35, he has climbed the managerial ladder first as an employee...
view by the Hawk • Tank driver When Norman Singer, this year's LDoY champion, visited Sweden last week on the Michelin...
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per month on farm site work. It is taxed as an "agricultural machine" at L"5 per year and runs on red diesel when travelling on...
a building site. It is alleged that I ran over a boy's bike which was left in the driveway leading to the site. The bike was...
with a diesel engine. The top speed is 48-50 mph and the fuel consumption averages about 30 mpg. Is it possible to change the...
Costs and the 0 & A bureau reply to a question on the subject in CM in the October 1 issue and comparing the figures quoted...
within a certain distance of a zebra crossing. Can you tell me how this zone is recognized? A At present the prohibited area...
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matters By John Darker, AMBIM The In Relations Act 6. Collective bargaining THE AUTHORS of the Industrial Relations Act were...
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by Les Oldridge AMIRTE, MIMI Public service vehicles (2) THE Public Service Vehicle (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations,...
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by David Lowe, MInsTA, AMBIM More correspondence courses ONE of the major correspondence schools offering tuition in...