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T HERE is much that is definitely unsatis 7 factory and inconclusive in the manner in which many of our laws are framed ltud in...
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M OST small operators are viewing the Road Traffic Act with an unwelcoming eye and not a few have already decided that the area...
TN the Hire-purchase Bill, the second reading -I-of which is fixed for February 20th, our industry has to face a new danger of...
being put to practical commercial benefit. One of the latest examples is that Roadless Traction, Ltd., guarantees its...
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That C.M. is'a synonym for "True Prophet." Of coach operators singing "Spring is coming." That the best non-skid is the...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
W E have been privileged to see the text of the foreword which the Right Hon. the Viscount Brentford has written for the...
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of the movement initiated by the Motor Hirers' and Coach Services Association, in protest against the proposed drastic...
The transport committee of Yam Corporation is to buy three trolleybuses. The transport committee of NORTHAMPTON Corporation is...
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Road-vehicle OIL ENGINE K ORTING oil engines for stationary and marine work are well known and have an excel• lent...
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ADMIRAL IN ACTION A Comprehensive Road Test of the Latest A.J.S. Chassis. A High performance Model Designed as a Basis of...
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SPECIAL VEHICLES Details of the Motor Vehicles (Authorization of Special Types) Order (No. 1), 1931, Dated January 14th, 1931...
N UAIEROTTS devices for admitting extra air into induction manifolds are available, but not many are of practical interest. Mr....
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ZE CONQUERING A STRONGHOL1 OF TRAMCARS A STRIKING fleet growth from 90 to 262 machines—with 40 more vehicles about to be...
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O NE of the most novel machines to emerge from the works of the Fiat concern at Turin, Italy, is an articulated six-wheeler for...
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ROAD and RAIL Full Details of the Karrier Ro Railer as Developed for the L.M.S. Railway. The Principle Equally Suitable for...
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Narrow-track Tractor "CULL details are now available of the new vine...12 yard tractor of Case manufacture, which is being...
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Clauses in the Road Traffic Act which Have Given Stimulus to the Small Motor Coach I N the Road Traffic Act a motor. car is a...
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W in" the aid of the modern motor vehicle it is possible to carry out comprehensive exploration in a Period of time which is...
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A Strong Protest Against Increased Taxation, A Discussion on Heavy-transport Costs. Fire Risks in Connection with the Heavy-oil...
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MUNICIPAL CO-ORDINATION IN SOUTH WALES Interesting Details of Local Services that are Concerned in the Co-operation Scheme A...
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Details of the Improved Services Between Cheltenham and Evesham A LOCAL bus service connecting Cheltenham with Evesham and...
Strong Views Expressed at a Crowded Meeting ; Protest to the Minister of Transport A NV days ago a meeting was held under the...
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Extracts from the Deputation's Report, Including Some Figures Which Reflect Favourably Upon the Trackless Trolley Vehicle MHE...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER The Fourth and Last Book of the Series which " S.T.R." Recommends to Those Hauliers who have Not been...
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A Falling-off in the Number of Exhibitors. Heavy oil Engines in Considerable Evi d en c e . Entries Chiefly of Con tinental...
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PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Coaches in Central London. T AST Wednesday Mr. Colman ad dressed...
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T EE bogie described in specification No. 340,251 by J. Sinclair, C. H. Smith and L. Smith, Canal Street, Nottingham, is of...