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LA ST week, in our Royal Show and Agricultural Transport Number, we referred to the unfair advantages which, under the Road and...
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Illustr ating A gr i c u IA STRIKING feature of the ture and Transport r - k Ford stand at the Royal is Over 2,000 Years . . a...
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That some caterpillars are beneficial to farmers. That commercial-vehicle manufacturers welcome unprejudiced criticism, even...
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"Ties wheels of wealth will he slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Ma. W. M. CLINCH has resigned his directorship of the Massa Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., and proposes to open an office in Lisbon....
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A COMPLAINT that the present tipolicy of the Licensing Authorities would drive B-licence hauliers out of business in five years...
themselves the duties of the Licensing Authority was made by Mr. T. D. Backhouse, at a sitting of the North-Western Deputy...
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Finality Corporation is buying a Dennis fire-. cog ine. Plymouth Transport Committee invites tenders for the supply of 14...
TON-MILEAGE was taken as a basis 1 of Calculation by Mr. Ouseley Smith in an application before the NorthWestern Deputy...
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MR. S. W. NELSON HONOURED. A farewell presentation was made to Mr. S. W. Nelson by the West Midland Division of the C.M.U.A....
for the disbandment of the Appeal Tribunal and for the appointment, in its stead, of the Minister of Transport as the appellate...
members against irritating restrictions imposed on B licences is to be heard in the High Court. Papers of a Liverpool case are...
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a 10-12-ton Six-wheeler Sturdily Built Gardnerengined Oiler, Incorporating Modern Ideas in Chassis Layout. Fast Hill-climbing...
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Progressed Over 300 Years : Early Transport Recollections S 0iVIE 300 years ago, when roads were few and hardly worthy of the...
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W HATEVER course the tide of events in the commercialmotor industry may take, the Commer concern can be relied upon to enable...
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Advice to the Applicant for the Continuance of His A Licence. Importance of Careful Records of Work as Evidence to Justify a...
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.S O long ago as the end of the past century the name Oldsmobile Was prominent in the automobile world, as it then existed. The...
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and QUERIES ROAD TRANSPORT AND ITS STATUS. [4824] A good deal of correspondence has appeared in your columns with reference...
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S EVERAL interesting features are to be found in a new range of meters for the measurement of fuel and Willicating oils,...
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Assessing the Minimum Annual Mileages at which it Pays to Run an Oil-engined Vehicle as Compared with a Petrol Machine I N...
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Several Tractors with Noteworthy Features Figure Among Latest Models by British Makers. New Machines to be Seen on Seven Stands...
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R AILWAY applications for increases in road vehicles at various bases in the Yorkshire Traffic Area, met with a certain amount...
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T HERE are opportunities for the use of road mechanical transport of animals to and from agricultural shows, considerably in...
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Prospects and Progress T HE report of the Maybury Committee, which is investigating ways in which the Government and...
rIN Wednesday, the K.L.M. (Royal \-/Netherlands Air Lines) and British Continental Airways, Ltd., s-6.tied their week-day...
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Impressions of Exhibitors or their Representatives as Elicited by Our Special Correspondent, who Also Snapped Some of the...
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T HE Municipal Tramways and Transport Association held its annual conference in Bournemouth last week, HE the Presidency of...
Relativity and Transport M ANY champions of the trolleybus and the motorbus respectively had much to say in support of their...
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Passenger Transport CIVIC WORKERS PASS WAGES AWARD T HE recent Joint Industrial Council award concerning the wages of...
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in Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent ROADS AS DEFENCE UNITS. A S Minister for the Co-ordination of...
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Transport Accountancy The Third Instalment of a Series of Articles on Keeping Hauliers' Accounts, Previous Contributions...
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jet Carburetter A Re'sume` of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published r r o avoid excessively rich mixtures...