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A S manufacturers a n d operators alike will agree, the manner in which new vehicles are tested and reported upon by this...
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M ANY of our correspondents, particularly officers and others in the Forces, are displaying considerable interest in the...
How the Disa.bled ri g. February 23 we attended and Blind are Rethe opening by Mr. E. habilitated . . . Bevin, Minister of...
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Of too many vehicles standing idle when they might be sitting prett3r. That bauxite (aluminium ore) probably commenced to form...
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Proposed Institute LuncheonConference A I,MOST phenomenal progress is being made with the suggested Institute of Road...
B RANCnES of the Cinematograph 1/Exhibitors Association throughout the country have agreed to pay the 7f per cent, increase in...
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MR, JAMES YATES, haulier and motorcoach proprietor, of 'Sefton Road, Heysham, hat been elected a member of Morecambe Town...
PA A STATEMENT regarding the policy of the Eastern Area, A.R.O., has been sent to us by the secretary, Mr. G. W. Irwin, and the...
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Service Has ' tit% Noel-Baker UTORE questions' were addressed to 1.V1 Mr. P J. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary to the...
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Lord Leathers and Mr. P. J. NoelBaker to be Invited to Luton to Investigate the Working of the Government Haulage Scheme in...
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Dads Are Carried Dealing with Some of the Problems which Arise when Assessing Brick Haulage Rates Over Short Distances when...
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Many of Our Readers Will. Find Much of Interest in this Human Letter Which Indicates What is Felt by Another Strong Section of...
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Demonstration of Ingos Rotaped Track-laying Device . Proves Its Degree of Universal Application. Machine of 6 h.p. Gives Steady...
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Easily Managed Machines Manual Transportation Met Variety of Chassis, Both purpose Equipment, is Avai. ;radually Replacing...
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S I-IOULP protective fares on ,passenger 7 transport services be abolished? . This was one of the questions raised at a meeting...
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AN OWNER-DRIVER'S PLEA FOR FREEDOM R ECENTLY I read a statement, made by Lord Leathers, on the development and co-ordination...
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A N emergency towbar, f or enabling one vehicle to haul another, is shown in patent No. 558,238, by A. Goodliffe and the London...