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I N the countless phases of Britain's rise to her present position, be it in commerce, in social enlightenment, or in the arts,...
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A GILBEILTIAN situation has arisen as the I -1 . result of a recent decision in the King's Bench Division concerning the use of...
TT is inevitable that, at a time like the present, - 1 -vehicle owners of all degrees should be taking all reasonable steps to...
Q UITE a number of interesting p a r texchange deals has been made, not all of which receive the approbation of makers, but...
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That every trade turns to the motor. That it is invariably a turn for the better. Much more about quickly detachable...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Although it is estimated that, in France, there are now over 17,000 concerns devoting attention to the mechanical road...
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The scope of "Safety Week" has grown so rapidly as to make it practically impossible to carry out what is required during one...
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Crunum Corporation has approved the purchase of a tractor. WALLASEY Corporation is buying an S.D. Freighter 2i-tonner, costing...
During January 158 vans and lorries, valued at £43,700, were exported from Germany. * Mr. P. J. Pybus, C.B.E., M.P., the...
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that make for ECONOMIES I F a consensus of opinion On road transport were taken from all operators in the world—both large...
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I T is announced by A. Ferraris, Ltd., 200-220, The Broadway, Oricklewood, L031(1011, N.W.2, that the company has arranged to...
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T HE pending change of name of the Long Distance Road Haulage Association to the Road Haulage Association, and the enlargement...
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thenfunctions and uses W HAT exactly is a clearing house? We know of clearing houses owning lorries and firms—obviously lorry...
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TT might be interesting to mention that I was the 'pioneer of clearing houses in England, having organized and managed the...
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engine, as designed or adapted for i use in commercial vehicles, is such a new and important development that inquiries are...
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As to instructive matter useful to potential users, this maker says: We cannot add in any way to the chapter in your own...
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from the Docks I N the heart of the London Docks, • just below the Tower Bridge, are the headquarters of Thomas Allen, Ltd., a...
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VEHICLE PERFORMANCE r 0 date 104 chassis of all kinds have been submitted to The Commercial Motor standard form of road test...
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MOVEMENT T HE extensive development of cooperative trading is one of the features of the present-day distribution of household...
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Advantages That Can Be Obtained With a Double Intermediate Floor I N the design of motorbuses for London service there can be...
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Without the Loss of Vehicle Use O NLY owners of large fleets of goods vehicles, and bus operators really appreciate the...
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ECONOMICS OF HAULAGE Hill Road Traffic Act, 1030, cou T siderably altered the conditions of ie trailer use in this...
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The Clayton-Gauthier Poweroperated Mechanism Dispenses with All Mechanical Connection from the Engine T HEClayton-Dewandm Co.,...
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PARCELCAR D LTRING the past year or so the sales $ of three-wheeled delivery vans have increased considerably and for this...
fire extinguishers „Li is offered to the public by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Greenwich Road, London, S.E.10, the...
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A Handy Compendium of the Current Models on the British Market with Abbreviated Specifications of Their Chassis T HE following...
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BUSINESS T HE slow but steady improvement in trade still continues and shows signs of developing in new directions. Those...
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BODIES to Save Taxation W HEN designing a body with a view to saving weight, the various limits mentioned in the taxation...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 13734] Sir,—In considering the features which, if embodied in one chassis, would make the...
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A CONSIDERABLE range of helper springs for all 21 popular lightweight vehicles is now being offered by R. M. Papelian, Ltd., of...
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and TAX REDUCTIONS 0 WNERS of commercial vehicles who have changed over from solid to pneumatic tyres should be careful to...
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now a more practical proposition A ITER a prolonged period in which little success has attended efforts to make refrigeration...
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Aspects of PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRONG OPPOSITION TO COACH BAN PROPOSAL Committee of Inquiry into T" London Motor Coach...
Two Appeal Decisions Announced. THE decisions of the Minister of Transport in the matter of two appeals have been announced....
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in service The L.M.S. Railway Co. Commences Operation Between Blisworth Station and the Welcombe Hotel at Stratford-on Avon T...
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IN PARLIAMENT Second Reading of Lord Buckmaster's Bill. T MILE House of Lords, without divi1 sion, gave a second reading to...
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HAULIER and CARRIER C ONTINUING the article which appeared on April 26th, the owner-driver beginner to the haulage business is...
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E VIDENCE of advances in methods of cesspool-emptying are to be found in a new appliance which Dennis Brothers, Ltd., of...
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F RANCE is essentially a country of small towns— important cities being few in number and widely separated. At the same time...
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A LTHOUGH most of the regulations affecting goods vehicles have been in force for more than a year we make no excuse for...
W SliS in respect of commercial vehicles differ tremendously, consequently insurance companies have to charge varying premiums....