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VOLUME 127 No. 3268 MAY 3 1968 Rejection by the PIB of the pay award to municipal busmen and the almost simultaneous action...
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Busmen's direct challenge on IV ages legislation from our industrial correspondent 0 An unofficial strike by Newcastle busmen,...
• The Prices and Incomes Board and the Government are now lined up solidly together in leaning heavily on the municipal...
the badge of office to new TRTA president Geoffrey Page. (see page 55).
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• The TRTA is this week sending to the Minister of Transport full details of a "viable and workable alternative to the special...
• When the Burns Laird Line Glasgow– Belfast service was withdrawn on April 1, there was an immediate need for a "smalls"...
from a special correspondent • Outline specifications for no fewer than nine standard bus types have been drawn up by the...
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• "Quantity licensing is only a minute part of the Transport Bill", Transport Minister Richard Marsh told a meeting of RHA...
The first-prize winning prize design • Mr. Norman Bright, a 20-year-old student from the Newcastle upon Tyne College of Art...
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by Tony Wilding • As reported in CM last week, the start of the testing and plating scheme for goods vehicles in England and...
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by Sam Buckley • The finest form of efficiency was to get one's priorities right and stick to them. That was Sir Reginald...
• On Friday last week official proposal RH(87) was issued by the Road Haulage Wages Council. The principal changes proposed...
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time to plan by John Darker *The phased introduction of the new driving hours proposals announced by the Minister of Transport,...
• Cummins Engine Co. Inc., announced last week that it has agreed to buy out Chrysler Corporation from its joint British...
• A London chartered accountant, Mr. C. Newcomb, was nominated as liquidator last week by creditors of Davis Bros. (Haulage)...
• Vauxhall Motors Ltd. has just started work on the construction of a comprehensive and up-to-date vehicle proving ground on a...
of goods vehicles have been arranged this month by the Northern maintenance advisory committee. On May 9 at 7.30 p.m. at the...
H. Fish to make it clear that when he spoke at the RHA dinner in Bristol (CM April 26) he was referring to the West Dock...
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• An eventual reduction in the 11-hour working day for drivers envisaged in the Transport Bill has been forecast by Mr. Richard...
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Geoffrey Frederick Page, 44. was elected president of the Traders Road Transport Association on Tuesday. He succeeds J....
• Jack-knifing and trailer-swing may soon be things of the past, said Professor R. H. Macmillan, director, Motor Industry...
Under the South Wales centre chairmanship of John Vickers, a student and graduate society of the Institute of Road Transport...
We record with regret that Robert Hesketh Seddon, until his retirement in 1964 the chairman of Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd.,...
Mr. Goodey, former publicity manager of AEC Ltd., died at his home in Christchurch, Hants, last week. at the age of 78. He...
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• The use of a vehicle while it was under suspension following a public inquiry resulted in the operator appearing before...
• Granting a short-term licence for another six months, the North-Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe,...
• That vehicles over 90ft long, 20ft wide or 150 tons including load should cross half-barrier crossings only under the...
The Liverpool and Dunfermline rounds of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition take place this Sunday, May 5 lsee page 166...
• The commercial vehicle industry has the sword of Damocles hanging over it on the home market in the shape of the Transport...
• Nine Merseyside operators, including the William Rainford Group and 33 of theirdrivers appeared before the Liverpool...
AM EY BID FOR VICTORY • United Freight Holdings Ltd.. a subsidiary of United Transport Ltd.. has bought J. and A. Smith of...
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• Lawyers assembled with books, documents and photographs at the Middlesex Guildhall, Parliament Square, London, last week to...
• In Manchester on Tuesday the firm of H. J. Lea and Sons Ltd., Sandbach, was granted an additional B-licensed 6+-ton bulk...
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• The first two-door single-deck buses in the fleet of Ribble Motor Services Ltd. and the first Ribble vehicles on Bristol...
• "The controversial, and in many ways ill-conceived, Transport Bill, damaging as it will be to our industry and our transport...
• The Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd. has placed a repeat order with Daimler Transport Vehicles Ltd. for 70...
• In the caption under the top photograph on page 41 of the British Coach Rally report in CM last week, the mini-coach of...
• The strike of 3,400 Liverpool busmen entered its eighth week with fresh appeals for peace moves—and little sign of a break in...
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without buses by C Hyams • The strike of municipal busmen in Liverpool which is now in its eighth week is causing many people...
tices. The Government should now step in to bring these about. El Modernization: The Board slams management in an industry...
• Speaking at a press conference in London on Wednesday, Mr. Thomas Lenthall American passenger transport expert, warned of the...
• The 1969 SRPTA annual conference is to be held in Coylumbridge Hotel, Aviemore, April 22 to 25.
whole of the 4i miles of the Stanford-le-Hope to Coryton road (A1014). Essex, at an estimated Om, has been accepted in...
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This D500 with 5 ca.yd. welded steel body and single front ram by Telehoist Ltd. is one of Ford's new light tippers. • Ford...
• In London on Monday the Road Transport Industry Training Board held its first regional training meeting. The forerunner of...
• Over the next two years operators will witness considerable changes in the marking and marketing of Rootes commercial...
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by R. D. Cater • I have just completed a half-day's running with a 32-ton-g.c.w. six-wheeled Foden tractive unit fitted with...
• Nine standard skeletal trailers are now produced by Boden Trailers Ltd. for carrying containers. The company has also...
• The annual conference of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association will be held this year in Harrogate from May 13 to...
• Export orders for trucks and buses totalling over 1.1m have given the Leyland Motor Corporation a good start to the second...
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• Many topical matters were dealt with during lively discussion periods after each session of the four-day Transportation...
• A 30-ton payload can be carried on a tipping trailer produced by Crane-Fruehauf Trailers Ltd., of Dereham, Norfolk, and...
• A party of 20 members of the American Trucking Association yesterday began a three weeks study tour of Europe with a visit to...
• There are now 8cwt-load versions of the BMC van and pick-up, based on the Morris 1000 car. The main differences between the...
and Ford display engines, will be exhibited at a Commercial Vehicle Open Week to be held by Lemand Machinery Ltd. at its sales...
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Details of a comprehensive planned maintenance scheme have just been sent to me by Shell-Mex and BP Ltd. The system shows how...
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Emission of smoke and oil EVERY fleet engineer is naturally concerned when smoke is emitting from the exhaust of one of his...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (14) • The rob of righting a toppled doubledecker bus on a level...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, MIMechE THE Fighting Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, Chobham Lane, Chertsey, has the...
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HARSH CONDITIONS in many transport industries abroad demand more powerful and robust vehicles than those normally used in the...
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BY A. J. P. WILDING, MIMechE, MIRTE BRITISH vehicle manufacturers are nowadays turning more and more towards the testing of...
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by the Hawk *Productivity— old and new To be "with it" these days we must all be au fait with productivity terminology. Soon,...
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Chief engineer, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Building safety into British commercial vehicles is an increasingly...
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Far-reaching US safety regulations have had their initial impact on car design—not least on British cars exported to the...
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Almost a Confession EVER SINCE the Government's proposals for freight transport were published hauliers and traders have...
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by Peter M. Yates Group managing director, Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. WHILE we may not always make headlines in the trade Press...
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to The Editor, Commercial Motor, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1. So long as name and address are given, a nom de plume may...
With reference to the article "Spring-mounted steel cab for Fodens" (CM April 5), I would be interested to know whether this...
Mr. Chisholm has rather missed the point in the design of this cab. One objective was to reduce the stress levels in the main...
I am trying to trace some "missing links" in bus and coach operation of the past, especially in the London areas and I wondered...
per cent in vehicle excise duty and the sly inclusion of extra - administrative casts" in the fourmonthly rate it should be...
Next week's issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR will feature a full! road - test report on a maximum-capacity articulated outfit built to...
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Assoc lost T Management matters Practical aspects of costing ROAD transport operators familiar with the principles of...
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The next seven days May 3-9 FRIDAY Start of three-day IATE national conference. Grand Hotel, Birmingham. SUNDAY Historic...
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expert staff will gladly answer your queries. Letters should be addressed to: 12' and Bureau Commercial Motor 40 Bowling Green...
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Transport managers will benefit WHATEVER the suspicions about the transport manager's licence, there can be no doubt that a...
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Beweli Oil Co. Ltd. Cap.: £100. Objects: To carry on the business of distributors, transporters, retailers, merchants,...