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The transport industry could be more efficient, according to a Prices Commission report. A step towards efficiency would be the...
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.KS from the Department fransport which point to a p lobby to raise the maxim gross weights of vehicles 3ritain are now certain...
Greater Glasgow PTE maintenance staff continued their wages strike this week, despite the fact that the undertaking's...
VIRONMENTALIST group, the Civic Trust has warned that ; preparing for a fight if the question of increasing gross icle weights...
FINAL attendance figures for the first National Exhibition Centre Motor Show have been put at 908,194 by the Society of Motor...
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SCOTTISH road hauliers meet union representatives today to discuss the latest developments in the drivers' claim for Wage...
GREATER London Council is putting its weight behind a fresh campaign for a Channel tunnel or bridge by holding a seminar at...
DAF trucks report that the NEC Motor Show brought . the company 1,245 enquiries and it sold 126 vehicles from the stand....
IN AN unprecedented step ti week, British Road Federati chairman Tony de Boer a British Rail chairman Sir Pei Parker have...
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DRE than 150 chanting drivers picketed the Birmingham Hee of Transport and General Workers Union last !ek demanding the removal...
A THREE YEAR contract worth nearly Elm a year for the nation wide distribution of spare parts for Volkswagen and Audi cars was...
UkINISPORT Minister Wilm Rodgers has said it he will not lower Britain's avy goods vehicle driving indards merely to allow...
The average circulation of CM for the three show issues was our highest ever. At 43,266 it was more than 7,000 copies ahead of...
A WARRINGTON haulage depot has closed after a five week strike by 13 drivers over a pay claim. Shelliway Transport managing...
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OPERATOR was entitled ly upon the previous good tation when called to disinary proceedings said Midlands LA Arthur Aree when he...
Haulage to stay top top mode ANY suggestion that future shortages of oil would mean a deduction in the commitment to road...
AN £800m package for London's roads has been described as "too little and too late" by the campaign for better mobility,...
E membership of the Institute of the Motor 'industry is g offered to winners of this year's Road Transport Industry ruing Board...
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A MIDLOTHIAN-based international haulage firm was warned when it was revealed that lorries had been overloaded on four...
COMMERCIAL vehicle p duction in September was f per cent below that for same month last year, w! that for the first nine mon of...
THE WEST Midland Licensing Authority Arthur Crabtree made it clear that he regards the parking place of an operator's vehicles...
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ELLIAM Thomson and Son umbarton) Limited was tAted an application for 10 ditional trailers at Glasgow t week—despite being cal1...
SHORT HAULS Aberdeen park ABERDEEN will get a temporary lorry park pending the location and creation of a permanent site...
TIONALLY in 1975 there re 3,200 HGV occupant 5uaIties. This represents 2 r cent of all vehicle occuat casualties. Of these only...
A COMPACTION container body designed to handle domestic waste has been built for Saunders Transport by Till Fabrications. TTB...
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Measured in terms of cashpaying customers through the turnstiles, NEC 1978 was a resounding success, and the massive attendance...
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German triumph in free-for-all IN SPITE of language problems, appalling organisation and a course that at times was more...
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Turbo engines for the future? THE ENGINEER'S reputation as a destroyer of the environment is not warranted, said Diarmuid...
DUNLOP is to make its return into the automatic brake market. The company sold its brake patents to Girling in 1965, and since...
A CREW-CAB Sherpa is now offered by R. W. Osborne of Saffron Walden. The company, which already offers similar attachments for...
HERON Suzuki, the import( of Suzuki Motorcycles a outboard motors, are to bri a limited number of fot wheel-drive vehicles into...
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LEYLAND Vehicles' contribution to British articulated bus development will incorporate Leyland National body components. The...
SECOND stage of LonTransport's Bus Plan 78 effect last week. he changes involve 150 of LT Executive's routes and designed to...
MILTON Keynes Coaches Ltd has won an express service licence before the East Midland Traffic Area for a daily commuter service...
UPPSALABUSS in Sweden runs a full training course for its drivers which includes fire prevention, legal, and first-aid...
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Surrey gets more new deckers, goes all o-m-o DELIVERY of more Leyland Atlantean double-deckers to NBC's London Country fleet...
NATIONAL Bus is seeking a seven to 10 per cent fares increase in the New Year. Most of the subsidiary companies are lodging...
SCOTTISH Bus Group fleets, Eastern Scottish, Fife and Midland have already received 38 Leyland National buses ordered as part...
THE FREIGHT and passenger bus "courier service" planned by Borders Regional Council has run into problems which will delay its...
THE HIGHLY vulnerable n ture of public transport w stressed by Derek Wago planning research officer f London Transport, at tl...
LONDON Country is to ret the Green Line coach 727, only direct link betwE Gatwick, Heathrow and Lu . airports is to continue...
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HAIN'S haulage industry Ters from inefficiency and ; a very poor management ucture — and the smaller ! company, the worse...
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Your article "Busmen help Welsh parks" (CM, October 6) gave considerable prominence to the exceptionally successful Snowdon...
se • illpf••• equally true that the same could be said of Gwynedd County Council, the Countryside Commission and National...
As an owner-driver who has recently joined a local association, I was surprised to read the comments of the North Western ODA...
I must take Bob Wilkins to task. He only attended one meeting of the BAOD steering committee, and I was present as the Thames...
Pulite I refute the suggestion rr under the heading "Low file" (CM, October 20) Lucas may not be wholeh edly behind Lucas...
We are surprised that should accept a claim thai dual-purpose dry gc refrigerated van for Mid Counties Ice Cream Ltd is lieved...
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aham Montgomerie reports the latest thinking from the I MechE conference OD DRIVER environment acts business economics ce a...
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Delegates to the Road Haulage Association's conference at Eastbourne recently were taken aback to find that the smiling...
One of the most effective gimmicks at the Motor Show was used by Tidd Strongbox. They sent me a golden key to their...
P. Ashwood, of Alpine Refrigerated Deliveries, has one of the lightest right feet in the business. Over a period of twenty...
R. T. Byford, director of the Tower Manufacturers' ference, was a little put out by the title of his talk as printe the...
As if metrication were not bad enough, I am told that "a unique new dimension is given to carrying capacity" by Wilsdon and Co...
All licensed goods vehic should be inspected every y and the examination it should be more stringent, railway-dominated Natio...
- CIE carried 4,000 Scouts to jamboree at Woodstock, says the heading in Nuacht, the newspaper of the Irish state transport...
"There will be an awful stink if you don't deliver this load on time," Norfolk Line were told when they were given 48 hours to...
Travel on any London Trans' bus or Underground train r ning on Christmas Day will free. The undertaking will s money by not...
"A simplified approach to handling of information rela• to the nation's cities, towns E other localilties has been ME by the US...
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your best partner IEETING the banker is not veryone's idea of krelaxing ray to spend an hour or lore, so we asked Williams nd...
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New plant and machinery can also be acquired by leasing. Under a leasing contract, the customer (the lessee) has use of the...
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TO JUDGE from the poor results, it was a new experience for the delegates at the CM'S Fleet Management Conference to take the...
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AT THE END of a long hard day, the lorry driver can be excused for being irritated by a police roadside check which delays his...
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have the interests of the cornmunity in general to look after. We are not interested in stopping the legitimate operators." He...
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by Ronnie Jones, managing director, Barclays Mercantile Industrial Finance EARLIER this year it was reported that member...
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°E0PLE tend to attach a tigma to leasing, as they do D hire purchase and council lomes. It isn't their own proerty in the...
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HAT SORT of image do ur customers have of you? 1 you provide them with insport in £25,000 worth coach beautifully turned I —...
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How can you get the best for your new fie CM shows how There are four ways a company can acquire a fleet of commercial...
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Many of these companies use sing facilities coupled with a rallel maintenance contract vehicles to ensure that their nsport...
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Erwin and Ron Whittle, have been re-elected for a further term. Pickfords' newly formed Removals and Travel Group will be...
Ian Cunningham, one of the local authority sector representatives on the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport...