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A MONG THE NUMEROUS films that are exhibited to give people at home glimpses of what goes on at the Front, one often encounters...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by The...
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The Use of the Motor Ambulance for Civilian Needs. With the advent of peace there is every prospect that a re-organization of...
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A Consideration of the Arguments in Favour of Electrically-driven Rival of the Petrol Bus. T HERE HAVE lately appeared in the...
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By ' The Inspector." T HE JOURNALS LAST week have certainly affordedadequate publicity to what are claimed to be a number of...
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Comments on the Official T lged by the Coal Controller. The Coke Point of View : Mr. E. W. L. Nicol. T HE RESULTS OF...
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Valuable American Tests. Selling-off Government Tractors. Irish Farmers and Conversion Sets. At the recent demonstration-of...
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A Description of the Winning Device. The _ Efficiency of the Bellem Apparatus. T 11E FRENCH motor authorities have on fre:...
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Varied Means of Conveyance in the County Palatine: Difficult problems of passenger transport present themselves in the towns...
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The Sixth Mick. , T HERE ARE REALLY two forms of the alkali battery on the market, but only one, that . worked by Mr. Edison...
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Road Improvements Over the Border. Within the last few years the subject of road improvemenb has been receiving much attention...
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By "The Extractor." Stand Anything. , "When the war's over t " a large contractor was remarking to a friend of mine, I shall...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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• Ingenious Differential Gear. An ingenious differential gear for an agrimotor is the subject of a patent by G. Ott, a Swiss,...