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Road Surfaces Not WE have little cause to coinNow the Most Im" plain now of the durability portant Problem . of modern road...
W E are sure that all who read the booklet "New Roads or Old?" which has been issued by the British Road Federation, will feel...
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That Henry Ford_is now aged 74. Still too little of home-produced fuels. With surprise of a taxi-cabby with ample change....
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The carrier companies are approaching grocers with a view to consolidating the delivery of goods to them. At the August meeting...
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The Answer Can be Extracted from This Chart by a Simple Operation Based on the Knowledge of a Few Main Facts Concerning the...
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Standardized Bus Bodies and Chassis If Operators, Manufacturers and Bodybuilders Could Agree on General Standards for all...
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Freighter, which has recently , been delivered to the municipal authorities at Weymouth by Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd.,...
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How the French Capital Has Benefited by the Removal of Trams from the City Streets. Statistics of Bus Operation and Details of...
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Some Factors that Should Be Given Due Weight when Considering the All-important Problem of Lubrication IT is far from...
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and QUERIES A STEP TOWARDS STABILITY. [5130] It is most .interesting to learn from a leading article in the issue ' of The...
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T HERE are many features of interest about the Lorret 10-cwt. truck which is being manufactured by the Lamar Engineering Co.,...
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of Commercial-vehicle Parts has Contributed to Advancement, and More Progress May be Expected says a Metallurgical Authority...
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HIGH COURT APPEAL LIKELY " 7 HERE is an intricate question of • 1 law involved and it may be that my clients will desire a...
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U NIFORM distribution of weight and more convenient pipe locations are the chief features of an improved gully-emptier...