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there has been no great exclusive exhibition of commercial vehicles in Britain. With the exception of certain models displayed...
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O NE of the main reasons for the formation of ... a the Institute of Road Transport Engineers was to secure the interchange of...
Heavy Taxation DisTHOSE responsible for the courages Use of Oil " control of road transport Engines in Holland . in Holland do...
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Of increasing sales of U.K. vehicles to Portugal. That magnesium is now being electro-plated by first coating it with zinc....
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NO HIGHER AXLE LOADS T HE Minister of Transport has not granted permission to increase the present weight limits applying to...
Shown at Earls Court A NEW lightweight oil engined passenger chassis, designed to carry 38-40 passengers, has been announced...
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* g, Says Director • T an interview, Mr. B. 0. Masse, rk director of the Europeanand Eastern Region of the International...
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SIR LIONEL G. PRESTON has become a director of Titanine, Ltd. MR. DANTE BOGLIONE, of Boglione Hijos, Leyland sub-agent in...
William E. Cary, Ltd., Adeline Street, Manchester. 4, has published a brochure to commemorate its centenary. Belgian ancillary...
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appeal by Pyc Storage, Ltd., against the Western Deputy Licensing Authority's refusal to grant as A licence for five vehicles,...
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body construction, dealt with in this journal on March 7, 1947, and again on February 13 last, has proved an outstanding...
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T "police of South Africa depend. in full measure, on efficient transport, not only for themselves, but for their horses. In...
D ESP1TE many restrictions and the lack of adequate equipment, a bodybuilder in Libta, North Africa, has rebuilt a...
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50 m.p.h. Export Models O NE of the new Thornycroft chassis to be exhibited at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court will...
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By J. D. McLINTOCK S W1FT and sure distribution for the pressed-steel car and lorry bodies, cabs, and other products of Briggs...
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Maintaining a Fleet of 527 Buses in the Pennine Area is a Task Requiring a Close Schedule of Maintenance and Repair. The work...
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THE carriage on road vehicles of long strips of metal and girders has always presented difficulty to both the operator and...
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Vacuum-hydraulic Principle Provides for More-direct Brake Action. S IMPLE to install, light in weight, easy to maintain and...
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T 1-11S week 'The Commercial Motor" is able to give an exclusive description and road test of the Bedford P.C.V. 10-12-cwt....
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IS THERE AN S.O.S. COMPANY? WOULD be obliged if you could enlighten me as to the activities of the S.O.S. Company. This, I...
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by Laurence E. Field, A.M.I.R.T.E. By Adopting Preventive Maintenance Many Spring Breakages and Other Faults can be...
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I NDEPEN DENT front-wheel suspension for private cars had become so general on the Continent before the war, that at - the...
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A Discussion on Average Operating Costs, with Particular Reference to the Figures Given in "The Commercial Motor" Tables of...
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A Resurnj of Recently Published Patent Specifications DAUNT No. 601,731 comes from I S. A. Andre Citroen, of Paris, and deals...