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T HE DISCUSSIONS on matters of motor interest., which took place in Paris last week at the Congress of Civil Engineers, were...
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Import Duties : the Returned Lorry : Standardization. A T THE CONGRESS of Civil Engineers, held in Paris last week, some...
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Of a coming scarcity of Fords Of priority in loans for farmers. That the Tanks take toll of the tarmac. A thousand theories...
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All France is most keenly interested in the question of petrol substitutes. .The problem is a two-fold one : a fuel is required...
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I N DEALING RECENTLY with the prevention of skiddin g , reference was made in TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR to the system of front wheel...
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A otable " Approved " Nottingham Depot—The Developm ent I T IS CLEAR that one of the most striking features of the motor...
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of Messrs. Atkey's Commercial Vehicle Side Since 1904. large and increasing prosperity for the city, and it must not be...
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T HE COMMERCIAL COMMITTEE of the House of Commons come time ago constituted a subcommittee to consider questions of transport...
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Why are Machines and Labour Kept Waiting for Work ? G OVERNMENT CONTROL and production are all very well and very advisable,...
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By "The Inspector." E VERY DAY THAT passes is, of course, one day nearer the end of the war, whenever it may come. The need...
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Loading and Unloading Vehicles. The Principles of the Lever. T HE PRINCIPLE of the lever is of very general application in all...
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The need for the conservation for petrol for human energy is being recognized more and more as the war goes on, as is evidenced...
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Ford's Fulfilment : Ploughing the Headlands: The Essential Safety Hitch. So Henry Ford has "delivered' the goods,' otherwise...
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• By "The Extractor." A reminder of poor Cr.A.S., whose caricatures graced these pages for so many years, turned up the...
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Do Not Be Wasteful. In view of the relative cheapness of gas fuel, there is a tendency among some drivers to use it somewhat...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron. [1596] Sir,—Having read with interest your article on above in issue of 21st March, I quite...
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Lamps Alight— Light your lamps at 8.8, in London, 8.58 in Edinburgh, 8.20 in Newcastle, 8:23 in Liverpool, 8.17 in Birmingham,...
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A Comprehensive Agrimotor Patent. . This patent, No. 113,196 . , by M. E. House, has been communicated by a member of the Army...