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M.:re than ordinary interest, both from owners' and rnal;.et s' standpoints, attaches • to the forthcoming Manchester Show, by...
Drivers of self-propelled vehicles are sometimes able to score against those in charge of horses, in respect of certainty and...
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Notes on the Tariff Commission's Report on the Engineering Industries. That part of the evidence dealing with the engineering...
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Article V. Contributed by " Homoe." The Double-deck Motor Omnibus. The creation of this vehicle marked a new phase in the...
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Single-deck Motorbuses. The Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd., will shortly put a singledeck Darracq-Serpollet on the...
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On Monday evening last, the 1st instant, a very interesting paper was read before the Society of Road Traction Engineers, at...
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German Industrial Trials. These trials, organised conjointly by the Imperial Motor Club and the Association of German...
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journal chronicles, fosters, and represents commercial motoring in all its branches: members of its Editorial staff possess...
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A man on the advertising side of a -motor journal was asked, in my presence, by a friend of his, the other day, which of the...
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Topics. 230 De Dietrich cabs will be put into London service this summer by a new company. Particulars of Birmingham's...
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A few unmechanical busybodies, having looked about for a fresh means of showing their cuteness (sic), suddenly came to the...
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The latest motorcab company to commence operations on the streets of London is Urban Taxicabs, Limited, the registered office...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects conne.ted with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be an one side of...
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Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...