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B.T.C.. More Concerned Over Ancillary Users Than Free Hauliers and Private Motorists T was perhaps to be expected that the...
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I NTEREST has been revived in the use of vertical exhaust outlets for oil-engined vehicles, the latest upholder of this idea...
Danger of Insecure Loads R ECENTLY two accidents of a similar type occurred within a few hours of each other, and in fairly...
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That too many onions can spoil the broth, and so can too many unions. That the traffic problems of Mansfield, Notts, are...
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A N inquiry at Carlisle, in which William Stubbs, Penrith, was required to show why his special A licence should not be revoked...
HESKET1 - 1 5 S Judges Do Not Wait to Hear B.T.C. Submissions On Normal User : Case is Dismissed With Costs IN a case...
S 0 ME fares charged by Hudson's Bus Co., Horncastle (Lines), must be increased to come into line with those of the...
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TWELVE South Wales bus operators L denied at Cardiff, last week, that they had "feathered their nests" by securing fare...
THE way in which British Railways are trying to win traffic from hauliers was criticized by Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce...
have I been operated on trial by Halifax Corporation for three months will be regularly adopted if the Yorkshire Traffic...
A NET deficit of £17,782 during the year ended March 31 is shown in the accounts of Middlesbrough Corpora tion transport. Mr....
i Bowerman, Ltd., Taunton, has been taken over by Greenslades Tours, Ltd., Exeter, a subsidiary of the British Electric...
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MR. A. C. BARRETT - , formerly advertising manager of the tyre division of the Dominion Rubber Co. in Canada, has been...
A DEADLOCK in discussions between United Automobile Services, Ltd., and the Teesside Railless Traction Board on proposed bus...
The appointment as advertisement manager of The Commercial Motor held by Mr. Charles P. Hartrey was relinquished by him on July...
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THREE vehicles were on Tuesday removed for 14 days from the C licence I held by G. B.ogg and Son, Ltd., Bridlington, by the...
A LTHOUGH the railways are showing a more commercial outlook, they are not yet as competitive on rates as road transport. This...
T HERE were no objections when the British Transport Commission (British Waterways) asked the Yorkshire • Licensing Authority,...
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"a tremendous advance" on types now operated in Britain, are being manufactured by the Dalzell Electric Welding Co., Ltd....
A SUGGESTION that the Northern Traffic Commissioners were being 1-- k used as tools by the Transport and General Workers' Union...
QPECIFICATIONS of all petrol, oil and "--/ electrically propelled vehicles made in this country are given in "British...
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L) ESP ITE the benefit of last November's fare increases, Brighton Transport Department will barely cover expenditure during...
T HE battle between rival Chorley excursion groups for additional vehicles and new tours (The Commercial Motor, May 16) came to...
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TROLLEYBUS and tram services oper ated by Colombo Municipal Council have been taken over by the Ceylon Transport Board to stop...
A DECISION by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, refusing him permission to operate a stage carriage service between Airdrie...
T HE dispute . between employers and trade unions as to which class of craftsmen should handle the plastics panelling...
U TSE of a special colour code to prevent 4 .-- 1 petrol being delivered to garages and stores in mistake for paraffin is being...
TINES tota ll ing £26 5s. were imposed' I last week on W. S. Gibbins and Son, hauliers, Main Street, Broughton Astley, when...
A NEW guide to safe driving has been published by Unilever, Ltd., primarily for distribution among their 3,000 salesmen, van...
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DOLICE at Newcastle upon Tyne are investi g atin g complaints by a haulier in the city that competitors are tryin g to force...
N EW maximum char g es for hire purchase and credit sale of vehicles cattle into effect on Tuesday. For new vehicles With four...
A BUS conductor told Gosport ma g is.1-1 trates, last week, that on instructions from his company he posed as a'civilian...
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A FTER hearing an application by W. Robinson and Sons (Great Harwood), Ltd., at Manchester, last week, Mr. F. Williamson,...
A MAJORITY decision by the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners, which allowed Reliance Motor Services (Newbury), Ltd., to run...
A CONDITION attached to a licence for special dancehall trips operated by Wilts and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., was removed by...
A NEW type of pedestrian crossing and a new restriction on jay-walkers are being considered by Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister...
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A BUS company out to make money and to keep their good name should know better than a local authority bow to make the best use...
A N appeal by the London Transport Executive over the rating of their Aldenham bus depot was dismissed with costs by the House...
A N express licence for a subsidized service connecting Loughborough with Stanford Hall Theatre, a three-mile journey, was...
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tractors has been evolved by Miekleover Transport, Ltd., Whitby Avenue, London, N.W.10, and future deliveries of these chassis...
TWENTY-EIGHT Leyland Comet ± dumpers and three Beavers are being employed by the Brunei Public Works Department on the Tuetong...
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W HEREAS the drivers of several articulated outfits jack-knifed their vehicles hopelessly during the manceuvring tests at the...
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Many Drivers of Ansells Brewery, Birmingham, Begin Work at 6.30 a.m. to Get as Far Forward With Their Deliveries as Possible...
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Bore Removed by Delapena Cylinder-honing Equipment Costing Less Than £14 T HE ability of the cylinder-honing equipment produced...
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T HE new I54-in. wheelbase Ford F-600 truck, of United States origin, is to be offered, on a first equipment installation...
By The Hawk QOME of the operators of articulated car, transporters will 1 .-) find themselves in difficulty next year when...
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New Chieftain 7-tonners and Claymore 4-tonners and 5-tonners Announced Today : Both Ranges Offered with Low-floor Cabs for Easy...
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A N ingenious device for driving power tools on such occasions as vehicle breakdowns when no normal source is available has...
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Carrying 7 Tons, New Albion Chieftain Gives 19.2 m.p.g. at 30 m.p.h. Average Speed: Acceleration and Handling Good: Cab Comfort...
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S OMEWHAT less than a hundred miles from the Mortlake premises of Vv - atney Combe Reid and Co., Ltd., a well-known...
TO improve their service to Army and Royal Air Force families in isolated married quarters in the Catterick area, Naafi (the...
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Says a Special Correspondent Price-cutting Re du c e s Standard of Service on European Holidays and Discourages Repeat Visits...
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Political Commentary , By JANUS p REEDOMS apparently go in fours. For his traffic, the trader is accustomed to claim that he...
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P ATENT No. 793,363 covers details of an all-hydraulic transmission system in which an oil pump drives a pair of hydraulic...