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clorninic.perryiarbi,conk and ch risto ph er.watto SUPERMARKET TESCO has continued the shake-up of its...
Page 7 JOB LOSSES ARE looming at Wincanton's Lutterworth, Leicestershire site after drinksmaker Britvic asked...
TDG,TnE HEDGE-fund-owned logistics firm, is performing well, according to a trading statement issued last week by its owner,...
WE CELEBRATE THE week of St David's Day with news ti oldest brewery in Wales has three of the newest drays on th( Feiinfoel...
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christopher.wattonfarbi.Muk KUEHNE NAGEL. (K ) say , that it will improve volumes and prices in its road and rail business...
MASSEY WILCOX has blamed the exit of a malor customer combined with the effects of the economic downturn for an increased loss...
Page 9 NFT WAS NAMED as Asda's 'Carrier of the Year' for the second year running at an awards ceremony in...
THREE FIRE engines were sent to a Stobart yard in Warrington last week to pUL out an HGV fire. The blaze broke out at the...
CITYSPRINT HAS purchased Coventry-based G, Couriers for an undisclosed sum the company acquisition in 17 months. Goldstar...
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christindattnifagoogtemalt.con: READING BOROUGH Council is being accused of wasting government money after it was forced to...
FREIGHT BEST PRACTICE (FEW), funded by the Department for Transport. will issue three operator packs at the CV Operator Show in...
M1DDLESBROUGH-BASED multimodal haulier AV Dawson has purchased a £1.8m crane in order to help boost its grain distribution...
Page 11 THE GOVERNMENT has defended its decision not to introduce a vignette to tax foreign lorries...
ATTEMPTS AIMED at regu owner-drivers in the Road Trar Directive (RTD) have hit a se after the European Parliar Transport...
Page 12 PETER BROWN. MD of Norfolkbased full-load specialist Jack Richards & Son, says the business has...
TRANSPORT FOR LONDON'S (TfL) plan to construct a series of 'cycle superhighways' has come under fire from the Brewery Logistics...
WITH JUST THREE weeks to go before the closing date to enter the Motor Transport Awards, fleet operators are being urged to put...
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*HIE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS have responded to the findings of Commercial Motor's Trucking Britain Out of Recession Survey (]'BOOR),...
THE INDEPENDENT pharmaceutical manufacturer Thornton & Ross has purchased its first Renault: an 18-tonne Premium 270 rigid...
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drop in the number of recorded truck crimes in 2009 does not necessarily mean crime rates in real terms are falling. The...
Guinness World Record a to circumnavigate the globe in a fire engine. Embarking on 18 .July, the Follow That Fire 23-strong...
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UK MEP Brian Simpson is a vocal supporter of blocking further cabotage liberalisation until EU parity on fuel duty is achieved....
the European Commission said policy should focus on: making railways more competitive: introducing a ports policy; developing...
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Cabotage is another area the government must focus on, arc Simpson. He says: The EU monisation of cabotage rules not helped the...
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For the first time, logistics experts have provided a glimpse of exactly how the industry could meet government emissions...
"A valuable contribution to the debate," is Road Haulage Association policy director Jack Semple's summary of McKinnon's and...
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The analysis allows for the possibility that the maximum weight of lorries in the UK would be raised to 60 tonnes by 2050. and...
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THE LONGER I am in this industry the more frustrated I become. Transport in the UK is treated as a necessary evil and not given...
I TAKE ISSUE with one piece of 'advice' offered recently by the Road Haulage Association, Put in context. it is correct to say...
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Two brothers have seven undisclosed convictions, but DTC still agrees to a conditional 0-licence. TWO OPERATORS have proved...
The partners' willingness to cooperate with the inquiry and admit their shortcomings may have saved them from greater...
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NYK in licence expansion bid I II NYK LOGISTICS has applied for an increased 0-licence authorisation at its Europa Industrial...
Gist has been granted permission to run 30 vehicles and a corresponding number of trailers at a new operating centre at Bermuda...
The Home Delivery Network Limited (HDNL) has applied for an 0-licence to run 136 vehicles and 82 trailers in the Western area...
Indesit Co UK has applied to remove its operating centre at the West Portway industrial estate. Andover, from its licence. Ii...
1 11 1 ' '._ John Wilkes & Son (Transport) has lost its 12-vehicle 0-licence and had its director, Gary Darling, disqualified...
Birmingham ⢠A public inquiry will in Birmingham on 17 h consider a new ap from Coventry-basec Wanjohi Githae, whicl as JR...
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To survive a health and safety inspection, operators must ensure they and their employees are prepared for scrutiny. Words:...
leading to a fine or imprisonment. Obstructing inspectors can be interpreted widely âfrom physically preventing an inspector...
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Recent calls to cut back on health and safety regs have drawn tittle support from the transport industry, which is an...
⢠More than four transport workers a year die falling from a height. These are among the most common fatal injuries in...
Page 29 Many UK industry representatives, including the FTA, have signed the HSE workplace safety pledge....
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COMAH establishments are graded by the competent authority (CA) Environment Agency or HSE as either "top-tier" or "lower-tier",...
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It's all about the biggest, heaviest and most difficult loads on earth for Abnormal Load Engineering, but CM learns how...
Midlands PR agency Cognition to undertake a full audit of the company's strategy. From this came a plethora of sound...
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the fact that the corn recently built the world's largest shore-based crane, the 4,300-tonne SK19( "We spoke to various...
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With some 700 people employed worldwide, Harries says the training aspect of the company is one they take very seriously....
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"Right from the outset, we have always traded overseas; in the early days, we were delivering transformers from here in...
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Revolve Technologies is developing a hydrogen-powered van which, it says, can outperform equivalent electric commercial...
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The UK specialist 4x4 market is as niche as it gets, but lveco's all-wheel-drive Daily refuses to be pigeon-holed....
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Words: Louise Cole The British Standards Institute (BSI) reveals that approximately 90% of companies that seek ISO...
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Palletforce has recently undertaken 1 three management standards 1509001 Quality Management System, IS014001 Environmental...
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rollercoaster The used market has plenty going for it as operators strive to meet low emission zone rules and avoid price...
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UK firms looking for Euro-4 models could face increased competition from exporters looking for more modem vehicles than they...