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There is no small perturbation in French automobile circles regarding the lead which Great Britain holds in the manufacture of...
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The inhabitants of some of the outlying roads at Birkenhead are agitating for some better provision for their needs. There is a...
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Our " Laundry Trades" number will be published a week to-day. This issue will be the third of a special series devoted to work...
FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT. The Third Special Issue of the "Commercial Motor" will be published on Thursday next. It will be posted to...
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Messrs. Bretherton and Bryan's Vehicle is one of several New Corners. It was naturally to be expected that with the appearance...
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Four "Straker" Vehicles at Work ; Three more on Order. Londoners and visitors to the metropolis are never allowed for many...
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What is probably the largest and most powerful motor truck in the world is the one made for the Michigan Stove Company, of...
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Conducted by EDMUND DANGERFIELD. Edstor: E. SHRAPNELL SMITH. Manager: ERNEST FERMAN. , 7-15. Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C....
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No effort is being spared to direct public attention on the Continent to the several trials of which an outline was given in...
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A Commercial Traveller's Experience. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir,—It is a surprise to me that motorists fail to...
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Mr. Edwin Foden. It is truly said that the boy is father to the man, and Mr. Foden's early tastes for mechanical pursuits have...
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"LS," (Leyiand).—We are pleased to have your note, and shall await the particulars with interest. " L.M." (Buxton.—We shall be...
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No. it,348: Dated May 17th, 19o4.—D. Roberts and C. James, Spittlegate Iron Works, Grantham, Lineaha—Device for regulating the...