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O N Wednesday of next week (10th October) the demonstration of vehicles converted to be driven on either petrol or coal-gas,...
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N ,. BRANCH of the industrial-vehicle industry has to its discredit more labour troubles than , the mato-real& business....
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A Small Quantity Available. W E MENTIQNED in our editorial article last week that we had discovered 366 -carbonic-. acid gas...
Of gas in a. now light. That C. A. Vandervell comes from Yorkshire. That the L.G.O. bonnets are being done brown. That steam...
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By "The Inspector." M OST OF US whose business needs require the proximity of a, typewriter and its fair or unfair operator...
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Napiers for Russia. It may not be generally known that transport lorries for the British and Allied Governments are subjected...
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The Accounts Department of the Ministry of Munitions Acquires the Right Spirit. Another Experience by No Means Devoid of...
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How Press Service will Bring Business. E VERYBODY SAYS there is going to be an enormous increase in he number of...
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A Plea for a Mechanical "Mule," "T 0 A COBBLER," runs the old adage, "there is nothing like leather," and while everyone, no...
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Points to Note When 'Buying. i In all but exceptional cases it s preferable to have the proposed purchase examined by an...
How to Create, Get and Check It. Service conditions must be analysed. Costs are affected by conditions only. The cost of...
Where Farmers are Puzzled. The farmer wants to know how many ploughs a particular tractor he is considering will pull. But on...
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The Issue as it Appeals to Mr. L. Trewby, General Manager of the North Middlesex Gas Company. H ow FAR IS coal-gas destined to...
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Hints and Wrinkles to Garage Proprietors on Fitting Out. Gas Trailers. Contemporaneously with the development of the flexible...
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The Possibilities of Specialization in Component Parts. T RE QUESTION of what is to be done after the war to meet the hea - vy...
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A Manufacturer's Views Upon this Commercial Vehicle Refinement. W ILL THE after-the-war commercial motor among other...
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By "The Extractor." M.O.M. on Gas .Usage. The following extract is taken from a letter just received •trona the Explosives...
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Details of the Clydesdale and Avance Agricultural Motors. Agrimotor design has fallen into two well-defined channels. The one...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with lite construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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A PBIZ E OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the Fender of the best 'letter which we publisk on this page ; all others are...
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Another Ricardo Invention. A difficulty in regard to en g ines of the Diesel . type is that the compression req uired for...