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F oR ten weary years, so ancient legend says, the Greeks laid seige to Troy; still -the great bastions withstood all assault....
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T HE general secretary of one of the largest unions of road-transport workers has stated to us recently that there has been a...
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W E had thought that with the big demand upon road-haulage facilities which existed during the first two years of the war there...
E XIGENCIES of war place a i—agreat burden on the roads of the country, and, with little chance of adequate maintenance, it is...
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That A.R.O. might almost be debited with Amusement Tax. That Brazil is extra welcome as an ally on account of Tier raw...
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T HE bead of the Machinery Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has recently returned flop. the U.S.A. At a...
Supplied by the Ministry of War Transport and the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool, to keep the industry informed of...
A N interesting point arose recently when a haulier, a member of the Scottish Carriers' and Haulage Contractors' Association,...
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W the disposal of replaced motor vehicles. Under an Order which comes into force immediately, those replaced under licence by...
THERE are many tons of fruit 1 rotting on th . e trees; they should have been pulled and be in the preserving works to-day,"...
A PPREHENSION lest the Hauliers' National Traffic Pool be scrapped and the Government chartered fleet retained was voiced...
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A BOLITION or drastic reduction of fleets of lorries which, he said, were stillbeing operated independently of the MiniStry of...
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Lewin Equipment for Enabling a Vehicle to Clear a Way for Itself and a Further Attachment for Performing the General Function...
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Some Practical Exam" pies Showing Difficulties which Arise When, as is so often the case, a Buyer Arranges a Flat Rate Per...
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T H"year big efforts have been made to prevent any grave dislocation of road traffic by the advent of snow. At the M. of W.T. a...
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A S a, result of the intensification of demand for armaments, vehicles. and similar supplies, 'Coupled with the call-up of...
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Adjourned a.g.m. unanimously resolves that the scheme should be abandoned with a return to the status quo, and that hauliers of...
T HE Western Area of A.R.O. seems to be making excellent progress. Seventeen concerns have joined since June. Points from its...
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• L AND shifting, quarrying, levelling and such like operations rank to-day as of great importance. Digging, lifting and...
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E VERYONE should have a knowledge of, • at least, the• simple basic factors in first aid, and this applies particularly to...
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are not to lose our independence. The road-transport industry has been built up by thousands of tree men like myself all over...
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VOUR contributor S.T.R. recently statedthat I operators throughout the length and breadth of.the country are in unanimous...
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Some Reasons Why the. Working of the Scheme Has Aroused so Much Protest and Necessitated Some Form of Inquiry by a Road...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A CHASSIS carrying a crane is the subject of patent No....