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T RANSPORT in its many forms occupies a considerable amount of the attention of Governments throughout the world, and is likely...
C ARRIERS are faced with a new danger in the extension of the practice of certain Licensing Authorities of accepting...
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T HERE are good prospects of satisfactory supers. chargers being developed for use with oil engines on commercial vehicles....
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Of fire chiefs converted to the converter. Of good-natured heckling at a recent meeting of drivers. Of the usefulness of our...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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to wages and conditions in the Yorkshire Traffic Area, where negotiations bebetween the employers and employees' panels of the...
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in Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent A £10,000,000 MOTOR IMPORT. T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer was...
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A N addition to its range of passenger chassis has recently been made by the Gilford Motor Co., o: Ltd., Brentside Works, Park...
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DOWER-ASSISTED braking, in which compressed air 1 provides the motive force, is, we believe, a new development in the...
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Proves to be a Ma( tine of Character A FT ER a period of comparative inactivity in respect of commercial vehicles the...
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A N accompanying drawing shows two types of a new device for securing water-connection hose. Its leading features are that...
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Has Benefited the Motor Trade AETALLURGICAL" research conIVItinues to he concentrated largely on the development of materials...
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TO 150,000 CHILDREN T HE Milk Act (1934), which came into force on November 5 last, is a " permissive " Act under which...
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ZONE SYSTEM OF TRAFFIC CONTROL TO BE EXTENDED. A N important step forward in the control of air traffic over Great 13r1 tam...
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A LL models in the range of goods chassis manufactured by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Southall, Middlesex, are now...
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A PLEA FOR BETTER WORKING CONDITIONS. [4519] I have been employed as a heavy commercial vehicle driver for U years and have...
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THERE is at present considerable 1 activity at the Gloucester bodybuilding works of the Gloucester Railway Wagon and Carriage...
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Continuing Our Symposium of the Views of Important Officials, the First Instalment of which Appeared in Our Special Municipal...
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Bus Design and Maintenance T HE S.M.M. and T., Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, is issuing, free, •a first memorandum on motorbus...
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WHEN six-wheeled lorries of the VV trailing-axle type . are used for tipping purposes, it happens, in certain circumstances,...
S EVERAL important claims are made for a design of piston recently introduced by Welhvorthy, Ltd., Lyming- ton, Hants....
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O N Wednesday afternoon an application was made before the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner by Mr. Eric Monkman, on behalf of...
rthl Tuesday, the Industrial Court ‘.../heard applications by the Omnibus Owners Association, Commercial Motor Users...
in High Court A DECISION of the St. Austell (Cornwall) justices was upset by Lord Hewart and Justices Avory and Humphreys in a...
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ro Wednesday, Salford City Council X./was recommended, by the transport committee, to approve the principle of the...
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Q N Tuesday, Lord Hewart and Justices Avory and Humphreys, sitting as a King's Bench Divisional Court, decided that the...
A STRONG protest against railway opposition to bus facilities, to the effect that the railways were never satisfied, was voiced...
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T E B.A.A. is always ready to ccoperate with any body of operators, but adheres to the principle of collective bargaining, said...
Advanced Bodywork Design I .N May of last year, Birch Brothers, Ltd., the well-known bodybuilding and coach-operating concern,...
W ARRINGTON CORPORATION has discontinued its Sankey Bridge!.; tramcar service, which Was yesterday replaced by a bus service....
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T HE method of cost keeping which I have outlined in the previous arficles is not one which is likely, At first sight, to...
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to be growing, and patent No. 424,452 shows a design of this type. The patentee is Dr. Ing. Porsche, of Kronenstrasse 24,...