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Some electric-tramcar advocates claim that the motorbus is the bully of the road. We, in our advocacy of the motorbus which...
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(Extracts from this Journal of the 6th August, 1914.) "In State Service." • "France stopped her military motor trials last...
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The following Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take...
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By the Editor. A year ago, on Tuesday last, Great Britain declared war upon biermany. It is now made clear, according to facts...
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Most of our readers will have noticed the preliminary business announcements of a new organization which intends to tackle that...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...
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Chances for Post-bellurn Speculators. Various Floorboard Heights. News of the M.T. in Gallipoli. These messages from Our Own...
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The Rolls-44oyce of American-built Commercial Vehicles Described. Admittedly the finest example of commercial vehicle...
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By "Ceteris Paribus." Another or ich from aleadingBritish sales expert—one who has experience that is world-wide and who knows...
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The following extract from Mr. Lloyd George's speech in the House of Commons on Wednesday of last week may not have been...
On Tuesday of last week, at the Guildhall (Summons Court), London, E.C., before Mr. Alderman Geo. 'Touche, M.P., Henry T....
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Rail Motorcars. C2706] (Competition).—We cannot agree that there na,s been any rapid growth in the use of rail motorcars,...
Detached Units. Will the 0.C.s of A.S.C., M.T., detachments or separate units, which are not classified with Columns, Parks or...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Improved Magneto Construction. Graveley Side Splashguards. A New Resilient Wheel. Another Carburetter. Copies of complete...