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T HIS week Mr. Peter Walker, the Conservative spokesman on road transport, presents his party's future policy with considerable...
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T HE productivity scheme recently agreed between British Oxygen Co. Ltd. and the trade unions came into force on Monday as...
A LL commercial vehicle and trailer manufacturers are being asked by the Road Haulage Association for information on the...
FELIXSTOWE will be the UK port through which traffic will pass to and from a new US-Europe container service due to start early...
ABOUT 20 goods vehicles or p.s.v. and 170 private cars can be accommodated on Townsend Car Ferries' Free Enterprise III, which...
T HE road transport industry had become accustomed to receiving what amounted to a monthly newsletter from the Government,...
FINDING THE CO-ORDINATORS F OR many months discussions have been in progress between the top managements of the State...
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T HE Traders Road Transport Association is "shocked" at the Secretary of State for Scotland's decision to approve a 10s. toll...
A FIRM of road hauliers on which Willesden magistrates imposed the maximum fine of £50 for using a lorry with defective brakes...
A l Industrial Tribunal at Carlisle last week made redundancy awards totalling over £223 in favour of three lorry drivers...
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M ORE than a quarter, by value, of Britain's total trade originates within 30 miles of London and more than half within 105...
A NEW export service for the movement of ISO containers up to 30 ft. in length between Britain and France has been introduced...
Fr HE establishment of a road transport company to move large containers between ocean terminals and inland clearance depots is...
THE shipping tonnage taken by road to Newhaven was expected to increase by 40,000 tons next year, and perhaps by a further...
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'EVICTION' ORDER From a Special Correspondent DECAUSE, like Topsy, his business has "growed and growed", Mr. D. B. Orme now...
cERIOUS. concern about evasion of till Construction and Use Regulations fo: vehicles has been expressed by Sir Edwari Dodd,...
A N agreement recently announced by GTTM (Groupement Technique des Transporteurs Mixtes) of Paris will enable French UFR...
T HE announcement last week by the Britisl Transport Docks Board of a £2.7m. deep water oil terminal at Immingham (Lines) ha...
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Conservative intentions revealed in exclusii `erview with Shadow Minister [ HE Tory Party at Westminster is quietly building...
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Lord Shepherd, who was resisting an amendlent to the Industrial Development Bill aimed at ,iving grants for freight containers,...
a statement following the publication of the White 'aper on Transport Policy, saying: "The Federation believes the Minister of...
SIXTY-TWO Conservative MPs have signed a House of Commons motion criticizing the Government for cutting the Covent Garden...
T HE Government spotlight was last week turned on Mrs. Castle's expectation that liner trains will go ahead "soon" between...
T HE Commons this week approved the raising of the speed limit for public service vehicles from 40 to 50 m.p.h. An order...
APPLICATIONS for fares increases from Red and White Services, Thomas Bros., and the Rhondda Transport Co., were this week...
DESPITE misgivings, the Confederation of British Industry on Wednesday undertook to give its "voluntary best" to achieve the...
drivers, payable from August 1, has been blocked by the employers. Enhanced overtime rates of pay for BRS supervisors arising...
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Proposals for 12-metre buses announced by Mrs. Castle S INGLE-DECK buses seating no fewer than 63 passengers may soon become a...
ry some 40 local authorities in Lincolnshire approached by Skegness Urban District Council with a suggestion that a pressure...
AST week Stockton Town Council appointed three members to serve on the special Tees-side steering sub-committee which is...
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Tr municipal busmen's 9s. 3d. a week y rise will not yet be implemented by the local authorities, and the related union claim...
D UAL-LINE, air-assisted hydraulic .1—/braking will be incorporated on Ford R192 and R226 p.s.v. models for 1967. This change...
TOMORROW, Saturday, the Birmingham and A. Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd. is introducing new limited-stop services between...
APPEALS by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd. against decisions of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners have been refused by the Minister...
T HE White Paper spoke of flexibility but on the contrary seemed to adopt a doctrinaire approach. That was the first reaction...
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SS OME easement of the effects of a decision by the South Eastern Licensing Authority has been granted by the Transport...
T HE conduct of an Uxbridge (Middlesex) road haulage firm was criticized by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R....
rr HE Transport Tribunal has dismissed the appeal of H. Hewitt and Co. (Haulage) Ltd. against the refusal of an A licence by...
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"y ou are adept at not answerin g my q uestions", said Mr. C. J. MacDonald, the Metropolitan deputy Licensin g Authority, last...
T HE Transport Tribunal last week heard Mr. R. M. Yorke describe an appeal as similiar in every way except size to the recent...
I N a written decision, the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, anted an additional vehicle has granted on A...
A s1 application for 15 tippers, totallin g 135 tons, on A licences (to be hired) was withdrawn at Manchester on Monday. The....
A r Cardiff last week, Mr. R. R. Jackson, the South Wales Licensin g Authority, reserved his decision on an application by...
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Chrysler International has requested Rootes Motors Ltd. to release F. J. Willard, managing director of Commer Cars Ltd. and...
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A fleet of low-loading six-wheelers for soft drinks delivery, now being produced for Schweppes, are the result of a work-study...
V EHICLE orders for Fodens Ltd. continued to increase during the year ended April 2 last and the closing figure was a maximum,...
pREPAID tickets for Severn Bridge tolls in books of 25 wilt be available after September 1, for use when the bridge opens to...
T HE organizers of the Belgrade Fair hay announced that the International Moto Vehicle Fair will be held in Belgrade from Apr...
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WORK is to start soon on two contracts for " the last 13; miles of the Sheffield—Leeds Motorway (M1) between Tankersley and...
A FTER considering facts and figures obtained for the purpose of comparing alternative systems of vehicle maintenance,...
Part 20—Three-line Braking O NE of the requirements in connection with the plating of vehicles to the new ;ross-weight...
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of vehicle washer from America to be produced and marketed in Britain by Ultrasonic Machines Ltd. Whilst the unit is similar in...
TT is announced by Kelseal Ltd., the makers of Glasticord sealing strip, that there is to be a change in the size of reel on...
M ANUFACTURED by Northampton Automation Sales Ltd a new hydraulically operated 15-cwt. tailboard loader ha been named the U-Fit...
A REVISED edition of the Aluminium Casting Alloys for genet; engineering purposes data sheet has been issued. The ne edition...
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View BY THE HAWK Vo Comment TWO q uotations from the White Paper on transport policy. ▪ From para g raph 16: "It is now...
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Don't 'Dramatize' the Artie Problem THERE WAS a good deal of correspondence in your July 22 issue following my comments on the...
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A 1YONE who wants proof that automatic transmission must become the rule on light delivery vehicles instead of the exception...
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By A. J . P. Wilding AMIMechE, MIRTE T HE most important passenger exhibit at the forthcoming Commercial Motor Show will...
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CO many points of contact link the road transport industry to other sections of the community that it is not surprising to find...
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J ACOB'S transport fleet operating in the distinctive moroccan maroon livery, totals just over 150 commercial vehicles and in...
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assisted by Clayton Dewandre every time they apply their power brakes When you're recognised as the leading manufacturer of...
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A NTICIPATION of what is to come occupies approximately three-quarters of Stock Exchange time: what has gone before the other...
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DOAD transport is currently under scrutiny—productivity-wise. Two reports on haulage and one on bus operation by the Prices and...
A reader asks for supporting evidence as to the importance of the road transport industry and in particular the proportion of...
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"THERE have been a number of doubters about the value of short 1 weekend courses for road transport lecturers which I advocated...