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Many hundreds of men who pride themselves on the possession of true commercial instincts still turn down motorvans on the score...
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That the starting gear on the Foster is startling. That Earp was suddenly requested by cable to return to India. That no...
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The First-published Account of a New Overseas Type of Internal-combustionengined Tractor which has been Constructed by William...
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Readers will remember that a few weeks ago, on the 7th November to be exact, we were enabled to publish an illustrated account...
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A 40 h.p. Type has now been Introduced for Service in Hilly Districts. A representative of TETE COMMERCIAL aloroa was present...
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Third International Road Congress, London, 1913. Patron : HIS MAJESTY THE KING. Honorary Presidents: THE RIGHT HON. THE...
MONDAY, 23rd JUNE. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.—Registration of members at the Surveyors' Institution, Great George Street, 'Westminster....
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By the Man Himself. Mr. H. Bugbird, of 9, Hamilton Road, West Norwood, S.E., a letter from whom was published in our issue of...
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Aft Uaofficial Parade. A parade was organized by Mr. Bell of the Gleniffer Laundry Co., Catford, on the 271h ult., of the...
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The Attack on Sir Edward Henry. We tender now in our columns congratulations, which the Editor has taken the trouble to do by...
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The success attending the latest Mihies-Daiader commercial vehicles has emboldened that company further to improve its...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. The Commercial Vehicle Committee of the...
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Is Steam or Petrol the Easier System for a Driver? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1119] Sir,—In your issue of the 28th...
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After reading your reference to " Shall there be Agenter in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR of the 14th November, I cannot help but think...
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An Account of the Warrick Parcelcar and First-published Particulars of a New Model. Modern Shop Methods. Arrived at Reading,...
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An Engineer Agent. — By "The Extractor." Expelled from Olympia. It is thought by many that the Earl of Shrewsbury's connection...
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Fewer German Vehicles for England. The Trade in Berlin's Cab Licences and Their Value. Agrimotors Slow Development in Germany....
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any poin:s connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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f rom Our Own Winnipeg Correspondent. You recently reported briefly the very considerable briskness which _exists in Winnipeg...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. Interesting and New Supplies from Factory and Showroom. "T Stands for Taxicab. We have received...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best coinmunication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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A Novel Change-speed Gear. A. B. Jones and C. L. Jones, No. 27,459, dated December, 1911.-1n the gearbox illustrated in the...