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L AST Wednesday members of the Press attended a conference at which the Controller-General of Factory and Storage Premises...
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Where Reshuffle WE were under the impresWould Be An All " sion that in this war skilled round Benefit . men were not being...
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That a hold-up is invariably a let-down: That nobody should be ashamed to economize for the war effort. That Parsons's spring...
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L ATEST of the Liverpool traffic pools La is the Imported Green Fruit Cartage Pool, which has been formed by the Liverpool Cart...
V EHICLE and component makers require that certain spare parts notified by them to their distributing agents as being in short...
R EPAYMENT of the debt on Glasgow Transport Department was recently marked b , y a luncheon, during which the convener,...
T HE C.M.U.A. has been advised by the Minister of Food of further steps taken to improve catering facilities for drivers....
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A N Order made by the M. of W.T.. which came into operation on December 1, extends for one year from its present expiry date...
A N open meeting of over 300 Lancashire hauliers, held a few days ago, agreed to accept the Government haulage scheme, provided...
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'THE Exeter Sub-area of A.R.O. has, 1 in conjunction with C.M.U.A., set up a Joint Rates Board, and has already done much...
VENDER the joint auspices of A.R.O. V and C.M.U.A. area organizations, a well-attended meeting of operators was recently held...
nVER 1,000 tons of paper per year are now being saved by London Transport in various ways. One of the latest is a reduction in...
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A PART from vans e q uipped throu g hriout for the conveyance of hot food, as with the hundreds of such vehicles which were...
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A CTUALLY, in dealing with long-distance haulage, it is rarely possible to calculate rates so easily as was done in the...
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By S. T. R. pUBLICATION of the article I • wrote last week about the Government haulage scheme has brought clarification of...
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ONGRATULATIONS must be accorded to the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses upon the success of its first...
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irECHANIZED equipment has almost wholly superseded Mall other means for cleaning 'city and village streets and keeping highways...
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UERIES TWO FACTORS WHICH PREVENT QUICK TURN RO U ND T HE articles which you have recently published concerning the...
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Ingenious Bendix-Westinghouse Device by which Change-speed Gears are Selected and Engaged by Pneumatic or Hydraulic Means...