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R EPORTS reach us from everywhere in the country which virtually 'gc; to show how thoroughly and completely the situation was...
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Do not smell of midnight oil. Are appropriate and often appropriated, That motor power is still undervalued. That goods...
A sad story from the North countree :— The snow fell fast, the wind was cold, The driver was a fussed one, For " Henry " was...
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"The wheels of wealth /loin be slowed by ad difficulties of transport at whatever points arng, aa a carriage is by the...
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0 CONSIDER if and when hire-purchase-(or, as it should more properly be called, hire with • option to purchase) can be a help...
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L IKE MANY other important 'parts of the chassis, spring shackles have never, since the first motor vehicle was designed,...
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How the Services into and out of the City were Maintained by Means of Mechanical Road Transport. The Importance of Fair Rates...
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Ilow Lorries and Coaches Met the Need for Urgent Goods and Passenger Transport. A S A RULE strikes are very far from .being...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which Will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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F OLLOWING the article dealing with overtype steam wagons, published in the issue • of The Commercial Motor for April 10th,...
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Mr. C. F. Rymer, commenting on the emergency motor coach' and bus services instituted during the recent strike, says that at...
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A Ticket System for a Small Bus Service. How to Secure a Straightforward Return of the Day's Takings. I T IS NOW my intention...
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A Rising and Falling Plunger that Indicates Piston Position. A U U SEFL little contrivance, known as the Stevens timing tester...
A PAPER read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers recently by Mir. A. C. Burgaine (member) contained scone...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BUS SERVICES IN LANCASHIRE. The activities of an. Atherton...
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Difficulties which Beset Proprietors Operating in Besy Industrial Districts. Factors which Act Against the Development of the...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial vzotors. Letters shouta tre on one side...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 480.—Taking up Wear in the Trunnions of a...
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Difficulties Encountered and Overcome by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. W E SHOULD think that the difficulty which was...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. I T IS VERY often possible by study of a series of patent specifications which have...