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- T " great . decline in the arable acreage of this country has restricted the demand for ploughing and cultivating implements...
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Of none so lax as those who pay no tax. That when output drags, so do overheads. That the Aspinall ticket punch iS hitting...
The motor coach with a broken front spring was drown up by the roadside while the driver ineffectively 'essayed spine expedient...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diplcuities of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Leicester Corporation is to purchase a petrol road roller at a cost of about £270. Croydon Corporation is to purchase a...
T "special tra ffi c committee of the London County • Council has considered the draft Road Traffic Bill which the Ministry of...
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Long Continuous Journeys. Road Vibration and House Property. Road Mail Conveyance in London. Expenditure on Road Maintenance....
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The Great Utility of the Motor Lorry in the Transport of Pigs, with a Consideration of Comparative Costs. W E have before...
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Some Details of the Comprehensive Activities of the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., the Headquarters of which are at Chester. F AR...
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Burning Heavy Oil, the Held Engine, of Belgian Origin, is Showing Satisfactory Results. I\ NE of the chief difficulties...
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The Chief Agricultural Show of the Year, Held at Newport (Mon.), Produces for Inspection a Number of New and Interesting...
SIMAR ROTOTILLERS, LTD. (PICCA.RD, PICTET AND CO. LTD.). Stand 91 The agrimotors Cu this stand are of a very interesting...
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F OR SEVERAL years past, in reporting the Royal Show, we have deemed it advisable to deal at some length with the various types...
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The Importance of the Services of Buses and the Provision of Transport for Produce in the Small Markets. A DEPARTMENTAL...
Particulars of Some Interesting Fitments for the International Tractor. rpUE powerful, but compact petrol tractor may , be...
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By S. Howard Withey, F.C.I., etc. (Accountant and Auditor). Author of "The Book-keeper's Vade Mecum," "Converting Into a...
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An Example of What is Being Done . to Cater for Tours. of Several Days' Duration. I N our issue for June 21st we were . able...
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MIROM the official summary of the 12 iwneeedings of the Colonial Office Conference, which opened on May 10th and concluded on...
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The Commencement of the Third Stage of the Important Tests of Vehicles and Producer-gas Appliances Now Being Conducted by the...
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The Need for a More Reasonable Scale of Charges. The Freight on a Parcel of Produce often in Excess of Passenger Fare. JJ...
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A New Compensating Device which Automatically Prevents Overcharging of the Battery. ( - 11\TE of the greatest triumphs in the...
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On Buying a Second-hand Vehicle for Haulage Work : Why it is Generally Inadvisable, on Grounds of Economy of Operation. T...
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The North of England to Have its "Travelling Show." Few, but Representative, Entries for an Interesting Campaign. TONDAY...
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An increase of 50 per cent. in motorbus revenue is reported by the tramways department of the Southport Corporation in its...
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Valuable Advice on Every Appeal to the Phase or Ford Van Owner, Driver and Operation which will Repairer. 519.—Holding Coach...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. WARRINGTON'S SUCCESSFUL BUSES. The Results of the Past Year's...
Some Details of the Working of an Important Organization which Does Much to Assist Coach Owners. fl LACKPOOL, the queen of the...
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Brief Details, with Illustrations, of Some of the Principal Layouts which are Adopted. seating arrangement in motor buses and...
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Features of the 1927 Programme of an Important Passengercarrying Organization. " T U.T." is an abbreviation identi • fying...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters .should be on one side...
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Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. An Improvised Humidifier. 1\TOTICING that the engine of his II...
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A R4surne of Recently Published Patent Specifications. C OOLING by steam is attracting the attention of many .)engineers at...