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C 0-ORDINATION in municipal passenger transport—the subject which inspired many conflicting views at the recent annual...
as to the effects of . 1 the road-transport operations of the railway companies on hauliers' prospects should investigate...
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A S an example of the way in which the huge increase in the oil tax is hitting operators, it may be mentioned that the...
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More about incombustible petrol. More expressions of dissatisfaction over trade-plate regulations. 0 Little of the...
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slowed by all difficult:es of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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Among the orders for motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during May last was one for Albion chassis placed by...
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United Dominions Trust, Ltd., is holding a meeting on July 12 to pass resolutions for reorganizing and increasing the capital...
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Opposition was provided by the coastwise Shipping Road Traffic Cornnlittee, in addition to the usual railway objections, at a...
Wimbledon Corporation is -buying a Talbot ambulance. Tottenham Corporation recommends the purchase of a Denn.s fire pump. ....
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W HAT might, with every justification, be termed a "burst of optimism," greeted us on the Fowler stand at the Royal Show at...
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The Presidential Address at the M.T.T.A. Conference, Discussion on Alderman Gledhill's Paper and Election of Officers S OME...
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A NEW hydraulic tipping gear, to be known. as the Anthony, is to be placed on the British market within a few weeks by Anthony...
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UERIES RUBBER STUDS FOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS. [4580] Birmingham Safety First Council has decided to send to the City Engineer...
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High Efficiency and Variable Discharge. Features. of Interesting Fluvario Device A NEW type of oil-pump, capable I A. of...
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The Second of a Series of Articles on the Specific Problems of Agricultural Haulage. Calculating Rates for Livestock Transport...
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vheeler PUT THROUGH [TS PACES I NTRODUCED some two months ago, the Reliant three-wheeled van has been built to provide...
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for L.M.S. " B EFORE granting this application, you may consider it advisable to call upon tile railway company to notify to...
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In Parliament TROLLEYBUSES SAFE, QUIET AND COMFORTABLE. IN the debate on the second reading 1 of the London Passenger...
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A BRITISH obServer at the Paris Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce, held from June 24 to 29, cannot fail to have...
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Fr HE. Commercial Motor Users Asso ciation has made representations to the Minister of Transport regarding the amending of the...
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I F it were not for the motor coach the visitor to Switzerland who did not take his own car would experience considerable...
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T HE organization of the taxicab business in Paris differs greatly from the method employed in this country, in that licensed...
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Passenger Transport INDUSTRIAL COURT FIXES WAGES A Nimportant award establishing a new level of wages for bus drivers and...
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WVALSALL Corporation has been VV running motorbuses for 20 years, and the past year's operations, to March 31, 1935, were...
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I AST week, 26 road-transport opera L. from Lancashire, Yorkshire, the Midlands and South Wales, together with a number of...
INAUGURATION OF NEW CONTINENTAL SERVICE. O NJuly 2; British Continental Air= ways, Ltd., organized a luncheon at the Aerodrome...
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GRICULTURISTS will be interested 1 - i.. in patent No. 428,890, which bears the well-known name of John Fowler and Co. (Leeds)...