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I N PEW spheres of activity has the mechanical transport vehicle—whether it be propelled by a petrol engine, steam engine, or...
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A DRAWBACK that has always been existent in connection with the use of motor vehicles of all types is that of the danger of...
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Optimistic expressions of opinion regarding our roads of the future. Of varied opinions upon the practicability of the...
McPherson was engaged in the uncongenial occupation of writing cheques. Suddenly he flung open the office door and shouted for...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as it carriage is by the...
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Smile Opinions Based Upon an Extensive Experience Gained in Conducting the Cleansing Work of an Important City. By Capt. F. W....
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I T IS WELL understood by all who have ,experience in the use of the gully cleanser that, before a gully can be cleaned with...
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Brief Details of the Various Appliances Which Are Available. T T CAN BE eaid. - with eaeety that I practically every...
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I N VIEW of the great number of accidents that occur at cross-roads, both in cities and in the country, it has been suggested...
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A Description of Recent Developments of an Important Method of Road Construction. T HE DEPLORABLE condition of the roads in...
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Some Notes Upon a Particularly Interesting Vehicle Designed Expressly for Journeys of Moderate Length. and for Work Where a Low...
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THE Hauck kerosene asphalt surface -heater is a device by means of which the work of heating and repairing asphalt pavement can...
O NE OF the small advantages possessed by the horse vehicle which have helped it to retain a somewhat precarious position in...
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In the Face of Eminently Satisfactory Results with Electric Dust-collecting Vehicles, Edmonton Council Has Decided to Revert to...
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Most Air Starters Use the Engine Cylinders ; this One Rotates the Starting Handle. A NOVEL, and apparently very offs. cient...
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Why Trolley-buses are Being Substituted or Tramcars. DOST-WAR difficulties common, to a 1greater or less degree, to all...
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Holborn's Problem, and the Methods and Appliances by which that Problem is Solved. B Y THE courtesy of Mr. E. F. Spurrell,...
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How Egham U.D.C. Reduced its Transport and Cesspool-emptying Costs by Nearly £1,000 in Nine Months. I N A REPORT published...
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A Type of Machine Gaining Favour for Certain Road-surfacing Operations. T HE MOTOR vehicle in its many forms has...
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Modern Methods and Appliances which have Replaced Guesswork in Gauging, and Slow Manual Work. W ITH THE INCREASE of traffic on...
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A Cement Which Matures in 24 Hours. T HE METHODS of manufacture, physical and chemical characteristics, and ordinary usages of...
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The Activities of a Pioneer in Various Developments in Municipal Work. T HE METHODS of making, repairing, and cleansing of the...
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A SPECIAL type of vehicle has just been completed by Electromobile, Ltd., for supply to the Glasgow Corporation for dealing...
Users and prospective users of a Ford van or car will be interested to know that a new and seventh edition of the very popular...
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A Description of the Motor Pumps, Light Portable Plant, Turntable Ladders, and other Apparatus by British and Foreign...
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How the Economy of Collecting by Horse-drawn Containers can be Wedded to the Economy of Motor Haulage. T .IIERE IS...
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Answers to a Questionnaire Provide Evidence of the Varying Views Held by Principal Authorities on the Relative Merits of Large...
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W ITH THE growing demand for multi-purpose vehicles for municipal weak, the need arises, particularly in small communities, for...
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Good Use • of a Guy Vehicle by Rotherham Corporation. T HE MOTOR ambulance for the rapid removal of persons suffering from...
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The Value of the Tower Wagon in Connection with the Repair and Maintenance of Overhead Tramway Wires. A LTHOUGII TkIERE are...
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L OCAL AUTHORITIES generally go to considerable trouble to heep check of the running and working costs of their motor vehicles,...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. BUSES BECOMING BUSIER IN NORTH WALES. The Passenger Transport...
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A Vehicle will& Incorporates Several Unusual Features in Its Design and Construction. M IJNICIPAL authorities and private...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. A N INTERESTING device to facilitate the simultaneous tar-spraying and rolling of riid...