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B Y their conduct during the next two years, clear ing houses will either establish themselves as an indispensable asset to the...
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I F anything can convince the Government and, in particular, the Ministry of Transport, that early and serious steps must be...
Improvements for Brazil 1 N view of the increasingly important economic role played by the road haulage industry in Brazil, a...
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for Mr. R. .Gresham Cooke 1 N the Coronation Honours List, published on Monday, Sir Peter F. B. Bennett, joint managing...
A FTER a period of recession, the receipts of British Road Services have begun to rise. Traffic and mileage, however, continue...
A N A.E.C. underfloor-engined coach with Windover bodywork, operated by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., gained second place in...
P RICES of Dennis goods and passenger vehicles have been substantially reduced. The less expensive models are approximately...
subsidiary in Buenos Aires of Daimler Benz Aktiengesellschaft, Stuttgart, makers of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, is to be expanded,...
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A s Forecast in Time Columercial Motor last week, the Road Haulage Disposals Board, headed by Sir Malcolm Trustram Eve, QC.,...
F IVE HUNDRED busmen in Monmouthshire went on strike on Coronation Day because they objected Co the decision of Red and White...
T HE usual seasonal Order under which farm workers may be carried in goods vehicles without public service vehicle licences,...
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W HEN 19 summonses concerning breaches of the drivers' hours regulationg were brought against William Orr (Hair), Ltd., padding...
W ITH the same strength of fleet and almost the same number of staff as in 1940-41, Hull Transport Department is today carrying...
D ESCR1BED as one of the few people to whom the 1947 Act had been a "fortuitous circumstance," Mr. A. W. Johnston, of...
Lotto REITH, chairman of the Colonial Development Corporation, has been elected a director of Tube Investments, Ltd. MR, H. R....
A A TWO-DAY tour of Kent is to be introduced by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., this season. Operating on Wednesdays and...
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'TWO of the m obile television units I employed in London by the outside broadcast service of the Post Office in connection...
DETROL eneines installed in some 60 lar g e American articulated tractors operatin g in the Bel g ian Con g o have been...
T HE first production model of the Leyland Ti g er Cub li g htwei g ht bus left the makers' factory for road tests last week....
("ROSS revenue of the Yorkshire \--I Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., last year rose by £103,000. or nearly 10 per cent.,...
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F IVE companies have been selected by the Government of India to manufacture vehicles. By 1956, at least 50 per cent. of the...
THE following dates have been fixed for meetings and functions of the Institute of Transport during 1953-54:1953: October 5,...
A REQUEST that an inquiry into recent increases in fares in Belfast be made by the Transport Tribunal and that the imposition...
A NEW sub-area of the Northern Area of the Road Haulage Association has been set up at Kendal to cover the southern part of...
LI Transport Executive, it was provisionally estimated on Wednesday, carried 2m. people into and away from the Coronation area...
S UPPORT for the campaign for better roads has come from the West-, 'Muster Bank Review, which declares that economy on the...
"A GOOD many of us will remember it the country carriers who had a personal touch one cannot get from a large haulier," said...
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E MBOD1ED in the design of a 11-1 200-ton trailer built by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Norfolk, for Pickford's Special Traffics...
rA A MODERN vehicle maintenance depot is being built at Kings Road, St. Pancras, London, by the London Midland Region of...
T HE first trolleybus service to operate through the centre of Glasgow will commence on July 5. By the opening date, 30...
has been divided into two groups, and new premises in Lake Street, New Hinksey, now deal with accessories, components, tyres,...
PA A REMINDER that the regular travelling public could not be expected to subsidize rates for privatehire work was given by the...
WH EN Mr. P. Stalker, a partner in Messrs. Stalker and Sons, Bridge of Earn, sought a renewal of his A licence from the...
T HE commission of inquiry into Glasgow Transport Department are now unlikely to meet. A proposal for their dissolution has...
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Chassisless Coach with Standard Power and Transmission Units is Lighter than Orthodox Design and Provides Higher Performance :...
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Sparshatt Metal Body on Crane Semi-trailer for Iraq has Patent Tube-and-block Frame A 100-SEAT body has been mounted by...
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By Ernest Davies, M.P., Assoc.inst.T. Mr. Ernest Davies, Socialist M.P. for Enfield East and chairman of the Parliamentary...
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.EST CITY? By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. 0 FTEN described as the cleanest city in the British Isles, Edinburgh faces problems...
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By JANUS N OT often remembered is the fact that nationalization of road haulage by the Socialists did not end with the...
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T WO new mobile-shop bodies on Morrison-Electricar 20-cwt. and 30-cwt. chassis are now being made available for employment in...
1k NEW industrial three-wheeled truck, known as the r - v Pyramid, has been produced by the Excelsior Motor Co., Ltd., Tyseley,...
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TWO-WAY radio, using Pye equipment, is a feature of a mobile spares and accessories store recently put into service by Dagenham...
I N a 20-ton semi-trailer body built by T. Coleburn and Sons, Ltd., Liverpool, a constant temperature can be maintained at...
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TWO Thames tractors with B.T.C. Dragon 8-ton semi-trailers were used by Scaffolding (Great Britain), Ltd., on Monday to...
C ATTLE hauliers in Cumberland were growing busier because of the increase in the number of animals being bred in the county,...
T WO bodies on Taskers 15-ton dropframe semi-trailers were recently built by Silverdale Motor Bodies, Ltd., 32 Silver Street,...
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Advice to a Potential Entrant to the Industry about the Various Items of Operating Expenditure for which he will have to Budget...
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TWO-STROKE oil engines have their I own special problems in connection with cooling, mostly arising from the presence of the...