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WE are devoting considerable space in this issue to details of a somewhat ambitioui suggestion for linking up our roadtraffic...
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commercial motor trade, and it is not always realized that in many a Javanese jungle village, peasant bus owners pay their...
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That more motorbus floorboards are to be rubbered. That average travelling comfort on the highway easily beats that on the...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by...
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. The tramways committee of the BRIGHTON Corporation is to obtain tenders for four single-deck motorbuses. STOKE-ON-TRENT...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. An Exhibition in Palestine. WE are...
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MOBILE CRANE A Ninteresting form of mobile crane is that which we illustrate, and although this particular model is designed...
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0 " of the latest developments in the use of the internal-combustionengined vehicle is in connection with a - truck for...
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Mr. Churchill and Road Programmes. Consideration of Duty on Old Cars. Illuminated Vehicles in Parking Places. By Our Special...
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The Manufacturing Methods Employed in Producing Xetal, Together with Notes on the Characteristics bf Bullet-proof Glass. T FIE...
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A Robustly Constructed Vehicle with a Good Performance, Just Introduced to the British Market. T HE appearance of the new...
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ROADS ABOVE IE RAILWAYS? NTO one who has even a superticial knowledge of the road transport of goods and passengers can but...
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F OR certain classes of work, of which refuse collection is one, the battery-electric vehicle proves particularly suitable, and...
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Some Examples Now in Production in the Works of a Prominent London Concern. Big Orders Being Hurried Through for the Easter...
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the Exterior of the Bus A LL types of motorbus have 1 - 1.-large exterior surfaces, for even a 14-seater may have nearly 100...
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A LTHOUGH it is a component that is often very much out of si g ht, the silencer is one which the designer and riser cannot...
The hi g hways committee of the Westminster City Council recomm v ntls that the Minister of Transport be requested ns to grant...
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Further Examples of Hire Charges and an Explanation of a Simplified Method of Making an Estimate. I N my article of Februa-ry...
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The Editor invites correspondence an all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. A DESIRE on the part of the Prince of Wales to see first-hand many of the...
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A Resume of the Proposed Heads of Agreement Between Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and the Brighton Corporation. A PROPOSAL is on foot...
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Mr. E. F. Hughes, of the technical staff of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., recently gave a lecture to the students of the Harper...
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MI OR the past 15 years Baico Patents, Ltd., has marketed conversions for Ford chassis to enable them to carry heavier, longer...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications, p ATENT No. 304,864, by Nicholas Stranssler, a Roumanian, and the Super...