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" cover a 'variety of interests almost infinite in their character ; in fact, so varied that it is extremely difficult to cover...
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Do Police Loud-speakLIOW much good is done by ers Help the Traffic " loud-speaker instructions Flow from police cars? If there...
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That the cut rate is the industry's death rate. Of demands that the Government shall encourage the use of alternative fuels....
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D ECISION has been reserved in the appeal case, Edward Box and Co., Ltd. (Southwark Street, London), v. the London, Midland and...
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MR. G. Witummer has joined Marshal's, Ltd., Austin House, Cambridge, a distributor of Austin vehicles. This concern is erecting...
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Presenting an Opportunity For That Organization Which is Most Essential For Those Engaged in M ilk Haulage By T HE position...
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An Encouraging Statement by a Road Transport Personality Who Has Been Largely instrumental in Obtaining Road and Rail Accord...
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B EIATILDERINC, in their diversity, countless technical high lights of the past 12 months come tumbling into the mind at the...
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How Official Encouragement Would ' Help in the Development of the Gas-driven Machine. High Cost of Production Militates Against...
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By THE EDITOR T RANSPORT has become one of the most vital factors in the economic life of every progressive country, whilst,...
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S OME of the oldest inhabitants in the farming communities 01 Cheshire will tell of days when cheese factors made horseback...
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Useless Weight and Bulk Mean Increased Running Costs and Needless Wear and Tear. Modern Construction Enables Potential Losses...
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LEYLANDS GIVE SAFE DELIVERY OF EXPLOSIVES. B ECAUSE the general public views most types of explosive with distrust, and is not...
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STEPS TOWARDS CAR-TRAILER LEGISLATION. One of the points in C.M.U.A.'s road-transport policy is that the use of private cars...
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There is a Wide Choice of Vans, Small Lorries, Threewheelers, etc., Weighing Less Than 10 cwt. R IGHTLY considered as " babies...
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U NDOUBTEDLY the farming industry to-day realizes the need feu. advance preparation for increased food production, in the event...
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issued by the recently formed National Service Committee of the Retail Motor Industry, which represents the entire motor trade,...
not yet held that a change of customer is a material change in the circumstances relating td a man's haulage business, or a...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT MUNICIPAL TRANSPORT BOARD LIKELY T HE scheme for a merger of the transport undertakings of Accrington,...
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0 6 6 A SOUN INVESTMENT A Summary of the General Common-sense Lines to be Followed When Selecting and InstallEng Plant By...
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EFUSAL of the West Midland 1%. Deputy Licensing Authority, Dr. Dawson Sadler, to renew a Stoke-onTrent haulier's A licence, in...
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Co-operation Between the Designer and Metallurgist is Largely Responsible for Recent Advances in Performance riE E ORM EN T S...
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The Kington (Herefordshire) Firm of Messrs. 9 owell and Llewellin Has Grown Rapidly n Eight Years and Now Gives Good and...
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to Give Arnt am and Easy Access Bodies of Dairy Vans for House-to-house Deliveries Need Careful Design to Obtain Maximum...
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Ton-Mileage? Some Figures Which Are of Interest to the Ancillary User and to Many Hauliers, Too By S.T,R. Ti ANSLATION of...