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ifIFIERE is every indication that the Commer1cial Motor Exhibition, which opens next Thursday at Olympia, will offer the most...
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T AKEN as a whole, the Second Report of the Royal Commission on Transport, which deals with the licensing and regulation of...
A T this time we are naturally engaged daily I - lin inspecting chassis at the various commercial-vehicle factories. It is...
flaps immediately behind the front wheels of the bogie and practically brushing on the surface of the road. The_reason is that...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which...
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The Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Clifton Junction, Manchester, has recently placed upon the market a handy cell...
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Builds Commercial CHASSIS Fiat Distributor in London. Mr, John Lamb, who for many years has been associated with the sale of...
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Preliminary plans for a motor-coach station proposed to be erected for Black and White Motorways, Ltd., in Rodney Road,...
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The Business of Carrying Goods and Passengers has Assumed Huge Proportions and the Figures that are Given in this Article...
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\PER Passenger-vehicle MILE T HE theory of diminishing returns stands high in the list of accepted tenets of that "dull and...
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PASSENGER - VEHICLE BODYWORK Some Notes Upon the Progress which has been Made During the Past Few Years in the Construction...
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Views from Prominent Concerns on a Subject of Vital Moment to the Passengercarrying Industry. From SYDNEY S. GUY, Managing...
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TRANSMISSION Are We at the Threshhold of a Period of Rapid Development ? Promising Types of Mechanism which are Undergoing...
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As a rule, new chassis to-day incorporate mileage recorders, which are essential instruments if operating costs are to be kept...
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I N its introduction to its report on the licensing and regulation of public-service vehicles, the Royal Commission points out...
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O NLY three trailer-making concerns will, this year, be exhibiting at the Commercial Motor Exhibition. These are as follow :—R....
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A Review of Many Types of Leverassisted Brake and Power Brake Which Are to be Seen on Presentday Commercial Motors A FACT that...
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The Latest Additions to the Range include a Chassis to Carry 32-50-seater Bodies, and a Goods-carrying Machine of 6-7-tons...
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For High-speed Haulage A New Industrial Model Incorporating an All-weather Cab and a Sprung Frame, H ITHERTO road-haulage work...
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lUTODERN coachwork is well worthy IV-Lto be the complement of the latest in chassis construction. Gone are the days when a body...
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VAN AND LORRY BODIES A Review of the Main Features of Current Types of Goodscarrying Body, not Forgetting the Mobile Showroom...
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F OR those who are strangers to the Metropolis the following suggestions as to methods of conveyance to Olympia from the large...
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Details of a 7-8-ton Chassis with Sixcylindered Heavy-oil Engine and a Low-frame Passenger Chassis Intended for 30-seater...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2925] Sir,—At the time of the inquiry into the application of the railway companies for...
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A AIONG the many new vehicles of large pay-load capecity to be seen at Olympia this week will be the Liberty rigid six-wheeler...