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1V1 ANY people pay a great A Summary deal of attention to what is said in the House ments in the what is said in the House...
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Turning The Tables WE have commented upon on Those Making VI' the bad practice of workers "Foreigners" . . wasting time and...
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01 an Irish driver talking about his oil-filther. The hope_expressed that he doesn't keep it in that condition. That making...
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M.O.W.T. VIEW ON HIRED VEHICLES R ATES for payment in connection with controlled undertakings under the M.O.W.T. Long-distance...
VriE have received the following communication from Mr. D. Richardson, chairman, A.R.O.:— • "I feel it necessary to draw your...
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T HE activities and control of Hiduminium Engineering, Ltd., a subsidiary of High Duty Alloys, Ltd.. have been changed, and the...
A N instance of the diversion of goods from rail to road because of traffic pressure on the railways, as mentioned at the...
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large sup'...plies of synthetic rubber will be available to the United Nations in 1944 does not indicate a prospect that good...
T HE idea recently Mooted for the Road Haulage Branch of the M.O.W.T. to undertake the haulage of coal obtained under the...
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.110 ECENTLY the M.O.W.T. an nounced a scheme for the rehabilitation of p.s.v. bodies, under which only five concerns . are...
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years ago, almost in the early days of the application of the oil engine to road transport, it was, suggested, and believed,...
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A Nimportant development in connection with the atconditioning of worn tyres forms the subject of patent No. 555,976, by the...
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- Do Not Check Creative Spirit By Another Manufaciurer A manufacturers of commercial vehicles we have been extremely interested...
By Denis F. Pilkington, M.I.A.E., Assoc. Inst. T. (Lancashire Associated Collieries) I WAS extremely interested to note that...
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By VV. J. Inman (Gas Light and Coke Co.) I AM in entire agreement that the time has come for the formation of a representative...
By T. G. Slitir, M.I.M.T. (Ford and Slater) A LTI'IOUGH a 'repairer of transport and not, a user, I would like to take part in...
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I N order that accurate and light steering may be provided on a vehicle, the chassis designer must follow definite rule's. A...
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FIESFITE the rion-artilability• of certain materials 11-inormally employed in the building of passenger-vehicle bodies, and...
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IT is not very often that we get the 4pportunity of giving the women a page to themselves, but recent references in these...
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THE SAFETY VALVE OF THE INDUSTRY T HANK you, Mr. Bury, for your letter of October 22 in support of my contributi,pn which was...
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WAS most interested in the article " Do you want to be a little State stooge? ' " by Capt. Harold Balfour, MC., M.P., in the...
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A CENTRIFUGALLY energized clutch forms the subject of patent No. 555,686, from Borg and Beck Co., Ltd., Tachbrook Road,...