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The Oxford City Council has taken upon itself the responsibility of a capital expenditure in excess of for the purpose of...
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Scotland is setting the pace in commercial motor construction. The Albion, the Argyll, and the Arrol-Johnston, works arc all...
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The Birkenhead Corporation is now turning its attention to the development of motor omnibus services in conjunction with the...
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The following are reprints of the reports addressed to the Town Clerk of Oxford by the respective experts called in to advise...
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We give three illustrations of the omnibus chassis which will be shortly placed upon the market by the Simms Manufacturing...
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Our illustration shows one of a batch of ioo light delivery vans which are in the course of construction by the Eclipse Machine...
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It seems to be the general opinion that ball bearings are a refinement suitable for an expensive private car, but an...
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We are now in a position to give a short description of the Rectory steam lorry, which is made by the Rectory Engineering...
Wheel for Road, Rail or Tram. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—We are much interested in your article respecting...
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The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :-Arising out of the articles on water supplies which have appeared In your paper, I...
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Governor, Engine, Sparking Plug, Clutch and Vapouriser. No. 11,753, dated May 21st, 1904.— Governor for Explosion Engine.—F....