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the importance of making every possible effort to keep trade within the Empire, and, in so doing, to relieve the industrial...
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T HE MINISTRY of Transport has just issued a schedule which gives an indication of the range of, the subjects to be discussed...
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Of Rhyl's White Roses in rows. Of new lights. for Iights.and heavies. Of prices going down and trade looking up. That...
Half-way down the hill the brakes failed and the driver had his hands full. In the midst of sonic quick thinking he had time to...
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"The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of tratteport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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F OR REALLY striking effect, few, if any, of the many novel and decidedly attractive publicity vans in regular use can outpoint...
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A New Model Designed for the Transport of Light Loads at High Speeds. T HAT THE MARKET which exists for the light commercial...
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T HE prominent makers of commercial vehicle chassis are ever on the look-out for ideas and suggestions which shall increase the...
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The Experience of a Large North of England Brewing Concern that Run a Fleet of Petrol, Steam and Electric Vehicles. I T is...
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The Experience of a Large London Borough. Facts and Figures in Support of Municipal Claims. A FEW months a g o—to be precise,...
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BLACKPOOL is generally regarded as . an ideal centre from which to operate electric vehicles for the simple reason that owing...
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I N the design of a one-ton van, intended to combat the foreign competition which is undoubtedly pressing the British...
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The Views of Users Sought Upon the Retention of the Present Mode of Taxation or the Re-imposition, in Place Thereof of a Duty...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. MORECAMBE AS A COACHING CENTRE. The Activities of One of the...
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Converting a Large Body to Fit a 30-cwt. Chassis. I T IS CERTAINLY not customary to build a motor coach body to carry a large...
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0 "OF THE neatest little coaches that we have seen for a long while is that which is illustrated on this page. It depicts a...
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Particulars of the First Station to be Erected Across the Border. T HE SCOTTISH General Transport Co., Ltd., whose head...
T HIS week we deal with the arrangements which have been made in Chichester and Birkenhead for parking visiting motor coaches....
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Once in every 20 years Municipal Festivities on an Unprecedented Scale are Organized in Preston. The " Inspector " Indicates...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "; I AM often asked whether I believe in fitting a hightension magneto...
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T HE harvesting of corn is now in full progress . throughout the country, and one notices that the agrimotor is being employed...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
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Some Useful Advice from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. NLY THOSE who graduated from general engineering to motorcar...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A MOST interesting and novel form of change-speed gear is the subject of patent...