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The great point of difference bet wren the pleasure motor and the commercial motor is that an owner expects the maintenance and...
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The service between Dover and Lydd will be finally considered by the Dover Town Council at their next meting, when it is...
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We hope to be able to announce next week the decision of the Automobile Club relative to the holding of van trials. Messrs. J....
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Thanks to the directors of the old-established firm of :Messrs, Peek, Frean and Co., Ltd., one of our statt was enabled, a few...
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The vehicle illustrated below is a type of light delivery van applicable to many businesses, and with which the manufacturers,...
As the result of some pioneer work undertaken by Messrs. J I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., we are glad to announce that a private...
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In view of the numerous diverse opinions which have found their way into the daily Press as to the views of our leading London...
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The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Company, Limited, of Adderley Park, Birmingham, have made unequalled strides in production...
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The famous Pianoforte Makers give many definite facts. The following experience of a motor van used by the wellknown...
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A conference on the subject of extraordinary traffic will take place at the Automobile Club, 119, Piccadilly, W., on Tuesday...
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Important Points which are oiten ignored by Users. By J. M. Maelulich. A detailed study of the commercial motor cannot fail...
"II.M.D." (Member M.V. and . W.U. Association).--Weak roads are best met by extra large diameter wheels and wide tyres: 4ft....
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The accompanying illustration depicts a section through the motor boiler patented by Mr. George H. Mann, of Leeds, late...
The illustration depicts a zoh.p. vehicle which Messrs. James and Browne, Ltd., of 342, King Street, Hammersmith, W., recently...
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The following lines will be found useful by owners of steam vehicles whose business is not large enough to warrant the keeping...
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Improvements in small petrol motors have been so marked that the use of light motor vans for parcel delivery work is coming...
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Vans tor Retail Delivery. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir,—Will you permit me the opportunity of congratulating you...
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Steam Wagon, with Interchangeable Dust Van and Watering Tank. British municipalities are not alone in the use of inechani. cal...
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A Diary of Prozezclings at the Autozn303i1e Club. Oct. isth.-Trials suggested in Automobile Club Notes and Notices. 1902....
One of the difficulties which has caused some amount of inconvenience to heavy wagon users in the South of England has now been...
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Scott, No. 28,6 4 4, December 2 9 th, 1904—A vaporiser of the surface type is described in this specification, having a fue/...