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T HE most outstanding of the many anomalies of the legislation by which road transport is regulated is undoubtedly that which...
M ANY operators, both large and small, of road passenger-transport fleets pride themselves upon their great knowledge of public...
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fashions in bus design. For a year or more London Transport has been trying out a double-decker with a full sweeping front, but...
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Only fools use poor tools. That, once again, August Bank Holiday traffic broke all records. That well-planned dealers' shows...
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If agricultural traffic be subjected to the 5 per cent, increase in freight rates on the four main-line railways, sanctioned by...
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. The parties to the recent appeal by Miller and Co: (Liverpeol and LondaiH,' Ltd., have been notified that it has been...
devoted, last week, to the hearing of eight applications by the L.M.S. Railway Co. for 27 extra vehicles and a like number of...
Insurance Fund IMPORTANT recommendations reI garding motor-vehicle insurance are contained in the report of the Committee on...
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The system of licensing hauliers was criticized by Mr. Angus Watson, chairman of the magistrates, at Nevicastle Police Court,...
MR. A. j. BUTTERFIELD, Of the wellknown tank-manufacturing concern, has recently been elected president for 1037-38 of Shipley...
T HE International Chamber • of Commerce has just published an interesting book, which surveys the different methods of highway...
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That warnings given by The Commercial Motor of the intention of the authorities to take drastic action against offenders, have...
A committee comprising 15 members has been formed in Paris for the purpose of co-ordinating all forms of transport in the city....
O y a number of cotton-transport cases before the North-Western Licensing Authority, one of the most important, on account of...
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Huddersfield C lea n sing Departincnt Makes U se of Karrier Cob Tractortrailer Outfits on Refuse Collection. Highly Organized...
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were afforded an opportunity, recently, of ascertaining something of the condition of the H.S.G. producergas lorry that has...
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Developments A S a natural sequence to the construction in Germany of high-speed arterial roads comes the fast transport of...
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Are Doing GOVERNMENT GIVING ROAD TRANSPORT A CHANCE. We are prepared to allow the industry to put its own house in order and...
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O NE of the disadvantages under which I inevitably ' suffer when writing a series of articles such as this, is that I must...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent ROAD-TRANSPORT CHAMPIONING FEATURE OF PAST SESSION. P ARLIAMENT rose for the...
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and QUERIES ONE VERSUS MULTI-CYLINDERED TRACTORS. [5104] Raving read Mr. Burgess's letter on tractor engines in your issue...
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Baico Extensions, Forwardcontrol Conversions and Lightweight Big capacity Bodies W WHILST chassis makers standardize their...
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a reproach to administration A Slashing Indictment of the Inadequate Machinery for the Enforcement of the Law Concerning Motor...
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By H. Scott Ha A.E., M.I.T.A. T HE origin oi Hull as a seaport is, like that of most other English ports, lost in the mists...
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Attempt to Boost Gas-producer Movement on National Basis Assisted by Fall of Franc, says our Paris Correspondent D ETERMINED...
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The New Dennis Container System in which a Bogie, Carried on the Vehicle, is used to Transport the Containers to and from...
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nNE of the biggest manufacturers of leaf, springs for O vehicles, Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd,, Stockbridge Works, near Sheffield,...
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Developments in Nickel-bronze Alloys, Copper Materials, Bimetal Strip for Thermostats, Nickel-chromium Stainless Steel, Design...
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Passenger Transport BRIGHTON PACT REACHED AT LAST A T last, after lengthy negotiations, agreement has been reached on...
T ROLLEYBUSES are finding favour with the transport committee at Newcastle-on-Tyne, as a result of their experimental...
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A COACH trip from Glasgow to Rome, covering approximately 2,500 miles, is being planned by a number of young Italian residents...
rOVERING a total area of 67,000 ' 4 ...sq. ft. and having accommodation for 100 vehicles, a fine new station and garage has...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A N injection pump with two helical 1 - 1-controlling...