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M ANY of those haulage people who are mainly engaged in longdistance transport await with almost bated breath any news relating...
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Air from Clayton WHILE recently inspecting a Heater Carried " well-built bus at the Through Glass Conduit Verheul bodyworks in...
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The call of the roads. Of the need for more Barnes storming on this account. _ That the hauliers' slogan should be, Fight the...
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R.H. (25) GOES TO MINISTER OF LABOUR A FTER considering reports from the Area Wages Boards and objections which had been...
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MR. H. W. EVANS, has been appointed to represent the Hermetic Rubber • Co., Ltd., in London and the Home Counties. MR. H. A....
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C AUSES of brake fade and its possiblesible cure formed one of the topics at a discussion evening held in Leeds by the...
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cut in the allocation of petrol to commercial users is a very serious one indeed. Mention has already been made of the fact...
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that the Time has Come to Take Steps Towards— Beating the Bonus Bogy Says a Production Engineer The views expressed in this...
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Model T Ford? R EMINISCING on my early work in trying to keep a small fleet of motor vehicles in running order, I was...
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Despite its Silence and Strength the Hypoid Gear Finds Little Favour in this Country. Our Contributor Discusses the Technical...
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Methods by Which Viscose Process Yarns, Now Used Extensively in Commercial Tyres, are Produced W HEN the ordinary man thinks...
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By J. Pickles, A.M.I.Mech.E. T HE reactions ot most people entering the motor industry and the road transport world may be...
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Salerni Transmitter Promotes Smooth Riding, Saves Wear on Bodywork and Chassis Components, Gives a High Rate of Acceleration,...
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being produced by the English Electric Co., Ltd., Stafford, is equipped with an ignition-loading device which reduces the...
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The System Devised by the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses Provides a Basis for Stabilizing Charges at a...
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A N ydraulic braking system for trailers, independent of the tractor but operated therefrom, forms the subject of patent No....